Как установить приложение на iOS

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Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.

- Introduced the Spin Text feature to help you create dynamic, personalized messages for your campaigns. This feature automatically generates unique content for each user by swapping predefined words or phrases.

How to Use:
- Create a message with interchangeable words or phrases, enclosed in curly braces {}.
Separate options with a pipe |, like this: {option1|option2|option3}.
The system will automatically generate multiple variations of your message.

Hello {there|friend|user}, welcome to {our|the|this} platform!

Some Variations Generated:
- Hello there, welcome to our platform!
- Hello friend, welcome to the platform!
- Hello user, welcome to this platform!
Use Spin Text to make your campaigns more engaging and personalized with minimal effort!
Update Log :
  • Addition of reject call set, typing set, online status set on device
  • Addition of read, typing status, delay in autoreply
  • Adding Location, Stickers and Vcard Messages to Autoreply
  • edit autoreply
  • Add location, stickers, vcards and manage users in rest api
  • Typing features
  • support image in list or button
  • delete message history messages
  • webhook message format changes
  • multiple languages
  • generate ssl automatically (vps)
  • updater, to make it easier when there is an update in the future
  • and fix other minor errors.
Ключ дешифрования:
  • Мне нравится
Симпатии: dheny61
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