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WoodMart — многоцелевая тема WooCommerce NULLED

Шаблон WoodMart — многоцелевая тема WooCommerce NULLED v8.0.6 NULLED

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Премиум-тема, оптимизированная для создания интернет-магазинов WooCommerce
28-06-2022 - Update version 6.5.4

21-06-2022 – Update v6.5.3

16-06-2022 - Update version 6.5.1
ADDED: WP Rocket delay JS exclusions option (Screenshot)
FIXED: Header logo width issue.
FIXED: Header element cart style.
FIXED: Product review verification text.
25-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.2
  • FIXED: Calculation for free shipping with taxes.
  • FIXED: Dummy content is split into parts to avoid timeout errors.
19-04-2022 – Update version 6.4.1
11-04-2022 – Update v6.4.0
17-03-2022 – Update version 6.3.3
  • FIXED: AJAX Tabs element in product description
  • FIXED: List element images with lazy loading
  • FIXED: Product description on mobile devices
  • FIXED: Header dropdown menus with RTL
  • FIXED: Product attributes table with RTL.
  • FIXED: Layout single product description issue.
  • FIXED: Errors on widgets page.
  • FIXED: Widget layered navigation style bug.
  • FIXED: Shop archive layout condition bug.
  • FIXED: Swatches styles when swatch selected by metabox.
  • FIXED: Single product accordion.
  • FIXED: My account sidebar form on mobile.
  • FIXED: PHP errors.
10-03-2022 – Update version 6.3.2

WoodMart 6.3 update changelog

ADDED: WooCommerce Shop page builder.
ADDED: WooCommerce Single product page builder.
ADDED: WooCommerce Cart builder.
ADDED: WooCommerce Checkout builder.
ADDED: Automatic patcher tool
ADDED: Off canvas column options for column element in WPBakery and Elementor. ( )
ADDED: Off canvas column button element in WPBakery and Elementor. ( )
ADDED: New categories type "Navigation". ( )
ADDED: Width option to builder elements in "WPBakery".( )
ADDED: Vertical Alignment option to column in "WPBakery".( )
ADDED: Horizontal Alignment option to column in "WPBakery".( )
ADDED: "Fade out color" option to Collapsible content, for WPBakery and Elementor. ( )
ADDED: Input in "wd-slider" control to WPBakery, for easy change of value. ( )
ADDED: "Display type" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor. ( )
ADDED: "Show button" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor. ( )
ADDED: "Show result in dropdown" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor.( )
ADDED: "Dropdown action" option to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor.( )
ADDED: Style options to "Product filters" element for WPBakery and Elementor.( )
ADDED: "Product attributes image". ( )
ADDED: "Accordion state" option in "Theme settings" for select accordion state. ( )
ADDED: New "Thumbnails position" - Carousel (2 columns). ( )
ADDED: The ability to change the titles for the "Categories" and "Mobile Menu" elements in the Header builder. ( )( )( )
ADDED: New product categories design - "Mask with subcategories". ( )
ADDED: New option hidden out of stock products in products elements. ( )
ADDED: Option to manually unload some styles on all pages. ( )
ADDED: Post type option to header "Mobile menu" and "Mobile search" elements. ( ) ( )
ADDED: New product design "Popular products" for "Products(grid or carousel)" element. ( ) ( )
ADDED: New title style "Overlined" in Section title element. ( )( )
ADDED: Height option for Promo Banner Element when selected "Content Background" style - ( )( )
ADDED: rel="nofollow" attribute for Compare, Wishlist, Quick view buttons to reduce their impact on Google crawling.
ADDED: Header builder elements search. ( )
ADDED: "Images size" option for "Product categories" element in WPBakery and Elementor.( )( )
ADDED: Anchor text "#tab-wd_additional_tab" and "#tab-wd_custom_tab" for single product tabs.
ADDED: Portfolio sidebar for single projects and archive.
ADDED: New elements in WPML config.
ADDED: Added the ability to disable theme styles for the Guetnberg editor on the backend. ( )
ADDED: "Label" and "Layout" options to "Social buttons" element.
IMPROVED: "Product filters" element optimization.
IMPROVED: "Layered Nav" widget optimization.
IMPROVED: "Product tabs" element structure
IMPROVED: Compare table structure.
IMPROVED: Single product previous next button structure.
IMPROVED: Portfolio grid items structure.
IMPROVED: Page title categories now monitors screen size and fires on orientation change.
IMPROVED: Offcanvas sidebar now monitors screen size and fires on orientation change.
IMPROVED: Single product tabs now monitor screen size and change to accordion without reload page.
IMPROVED: Cookie secure param now depends on whether your site uses the SSL protocol. Also can be changed manually using a filter "woodmart_cookie_secure_param". ( )
IMPROVED: Shop page column selector does not affect if loop display mode is subcategories. ( )
IMPROVED: Required plugins moved to top on ‘Activation Plugins’ page on Setup Wizard.( )
IMPROVED: "Additional variations images" now working with product variations loaded by AJAX.
IMPROVED: After loading products by load more button breadcrumbs also change to the current page. ( )
IMPROVED: Compare and Wishlist page options added to wpml-config.xml. ( )
IMPROVED: "Dark theme" and "Light color-scheme" styles were refactored using CSS custom properties. This change reduces the size of the CSS files and improves site performance.
IMPROVED: Increased the number of auto CSS generator files parts for Portfolio, Blog, Single product, Shop page, Cart and Checkout.
IMPROVED: Single product tabs and accordion refactored with the use of a new structure. Reduced CSS styles size related to those elements.
UPDATED: Slick slider removed unnecessary "aria-describedby" attribute.
REMOVED: Unnecessary CSS properties from the gradient. ( )
REMOVED: Unnecessary queries and files in the admin panel.
REMOVED: Deprecated JQuery functions like .bind(), .change(), $.event.props
REMOVED: Unnecessary CSS class on product list view ( )
FIXED: CSS code to display gradient. ( )
FIXED: Deleted unnecessary CSS. Added a check if the option is enabled in Theme Settings and if so then will connect the desired styles.( )
FIXED: Deleted "uncategorized" category in woocommerce product categories, given the languages other than English.
FIXED: Styles, fonts, and icons are broken after URL change. ( ) ( )
FIXED: Issue with slider parallax when a page has more than one slider.
FIXED: W3C Validator errors with parallax scroll option. ( )
FIXED: W3C Validator errors with menu dropdown inline print style. ( )
FIXED: PHP error on single product page. ( )
FIXED: PHP error in some WPBakery elements when colors in theme settings set in RGB format. ( )
FIXED: Broken login sidebar styles on RTL.
FIXED: Product base hover with list style after AJAX not inited.
FIXED: Deleted unnecessary role "complementary" for "aside". ( ) ( )
FIXED: Deleted ‘The following recommended plugin is currently inactive' notice for current builder ( )
FIXED: WPML config file ( , , )
FIXED: Enqueue ‘widget-slider-price-filter’ style for slider price filter ( )
FIXED: Loading Wishlist and Compare style files if options are disabled.
FIXED: Empty links in search button. ( )
FIXED: Color scheme in WPBakery default text element. ( )
FIXED: Product variation gallery for Elementor Pro ( )
FIXED: Product swatches with white color border assigned via RGB color value. ( )
FIXED: Maintenance mode with full screen menu. ( )
FIXED: "AJAX Product tabs" tab switching issue on IOS. ( )
FIXED: "Sticky navbar" in widgets issue. ( )
FIXED: Compare page PHP error. ( )
FIXED: The sticky navbar will not be displayed on the maintenance mode page. ( )
FIXED: PHP error on quick view when wishlist is disabled. ( )
FIXED: Changed deprecated jQuery methods to native JS methods. Example: $.parseJSON() to JSON.parse, $.isArray to Array.isArray(). jQuery method trim replaced the woodmart function wdTrim().
FIXED: If the user logged in not as an Administrator, then do not display the top admin menu WoodMart ( )
FIXED: The "woodmart_get_svg_html" function fixes the search for src images, namely the use of the guid property is replaced by the wp_get_attachment_image_url function ( )
FIXED: Fatal error: Cannot declare class Mailchimp, because the name is already in use in wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/integrations/elementor/elements/class-mailchimp.php on line 0. Added namespaces for Elementor elements.
FIXED: Issue when AJAX Pagination did not work on the attribute archive page.
FIXED: PHP8 widget warnings. ( )
FIXED: Render preview image for slides in woodmart slider. ( , )
FIXED: Strings for translation admin panel. ( )
FIXED: Compare and wishlist counters when installed plugin WP Rocket. ( )
FIXED: Image popup in WordPress gallery shortcode. ( )
FIXED: Including unnecessary JS files in some cases (owl, tooltips).
FIXED: Instagram image size for API.
FIXED: "Load more" button when available GET attribute. ( )
FIXED: php errors in image gallery element( )
FIXED: Style inheritance in the category drop-down list.( )
FIXED: Load quick shop html with ajax, only variable product with "wd-quick-shop" class.
FIXED: Checkout dropdown color with "Dark theme" option enabled.
FIXED: Border in white color swatches with the color specified via "RGB" value.
FIXED: Theme settings typography options placeholder color. ( )
IMPROVED: Theme settings search array now loaded by AJAX only in Theme settings.
IMPROVED: Google fonts list now loaded by AJAX only in Theme settings.
IMPROVED: WPBakery element field JS now loads only if the theme uses WPBackery as the main builder and if you edit the page by WPBakery.
IMPROVED: Other JS files like size guide library now load only if you edit Size guide post type.
IMPROVED: Removed unnecessary DB queries by adding some options to autoload and removed unnecessary options also queries that are needed for elements or widgets run only if you are using this element or widget.
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_404_search_post_type" to change search post type on 404 page.
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_banner_version_cookie_expires" to change header banner cookie lifetime. ( )
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_promo_version_cookie_expires" to change pmomo banner cookie lifetime. ( )
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_product_slider_dots" to enable dots on single product gallery. ( )
DEV: Added filter "woodmart_main_content_classes" to allow change main container classes .
UPDATED: Google Maps API version from 3.44 to weekly.
UPDATED: Google fonts list.
UPDATED: wp-color-picker-alpha.js library from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1
UPDATED: Outdated WooCommerce template files.
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