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WooPack for Beaver Builder

Плагин WooPack for Beaver Builder v1.5.6

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Набор продвинутых модулей WooCommerce для Beaver Builder
== 1.5.6 ==
Release date: May 30, 2024

* Enhancement: Product Grid - Added CSS class bottom-align-buttons
* Enhancement: Added support for global colors
* Fix: PHP error in some cases
== 1.5.3 ==
Release date: March 28, 2023
* Enhancement: Product Grid - Added support for the large breakpoint for number of columns and spacing controls
* Enhancement: Product Grid & Carousel - Show empty rating stars when rating is not available
* Fix: Product Grid - Infinite scroll pagination was not working properly when a filter is clicked
* Fix: Single Product - Double quantity issue with Name Your Price (NYP) plugin
* Fix: Declared compatibility for WooCommerce 'High-Performance order storage (COT)'

== 1.5.2 ==
Release date: December 29, 2022
* Enhancement: Checkout - Added horizontal padding options for order review table header and body
* Fix: Checkout - Responsive columns stacking issue in legacy style

== 1.5.1 ==
Release date: November 18, 2022
* Fix: Checkout - Responsive column width was not working for "Enhanced" style
* Fix: Checkout - Empty section showing when the user is logged-in or shipping is disabled
== 1.5.0 ==
Release date: November 2, 2022
* Enhancement: Checkout - Introducing a new "Enhanced" style and a new set of controls to enhance the checkout design
* Enhancement: Checkout - Added typography options for input fields
* Enhancement: Product Grid - Added an option to set default taxonomy filter
* Enhancement: Product Grid - Added options for filter toggle text and background color
* Enhancement: Added typography options for variation table
* Enhancement: Added support for cart menu item of PowerPack Advanced Menu and Beaver Builder Menu modules
* Fix: My Account - Width issue when the BB row uses flexbox
* Fix: Products Grid - WooCommerce Catalog Order dropdown was not showing
* Fix: Products Grid - Upsell products were not getting queried
* Fix: Products Carousel - Upsell products were not getting queried
* Fix: Single Product - Broken reviews link
* Fix: Checkout - Minor CSS fixes
* Fix: Mini Cart - Preview was not working with BB 2.7
* Fix: Added missing color field connections in all modules
* Fix: Conditional change was not allowing editing a post or page in the backend
* Development: Products Grid - Added filter hook woopack_products_grid_filter_label
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