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Client dashboard and contact issue Lead UX/UI issue Employee UX issue Shift request issue Leave file upload Now we have added monthly carry forward feature Leave update issue Project template edit button We have added attendance tab to employee overview Recurring expense custom fields issue Round robin deals issue Invoice pdf download issue Ticket access issue Bug on Adding Products / Category / Sub Categories under the Invoice page
Introduced the ability to select project members based on department. Added half-day labels (first half and second half) in attendance records. Introduced monthly and yearly leave types. Added an RTL theme based on user profiles. Fixed Pusher error. Fixed Invoice search filter issue. Fixed Ticket note dark mode issue. Fixed Public page dark mode issue. Fixed Leave report issue. Fixed Timesheet employee timelog issue. Fixed Employee public project issue. Fixed Employee leave issue. Added department and designation add option in employee tab. Option to Enable/Disable public taskboard and public gantt chart on project. Fixed Project time count issue. Fixed Sub task create issue. Added clear button to clear unassigned tasks. Added currency code in deals export. Fixed Project discussion issue. Fixed Ticket note issue. Fixed Deals custom field database issue. Fixed Task board issue. Fixed Task save issue. Fixed Timesheet calendar time issue. Added lead filter in deals tab. Fixed Pending follow-up date issue. Added pending confirmation to offline payments of clients in invoices. Can create invoices with services. Fixed Bank General statement issue. Fixed Client panel order issue. Added count for unassigned tasks in project task tab. Can add purchase products in invoices according to their inventory. Can edit unit price in orders. Changed task update notification to task status update. Added milestone name to task. Added export in deal reports. Fixed QR code attendance issue. Fixed Recurring task issue. Added sub tasks and their files to repeated tasks. Added lead owner and permission for lead contact. Added a pop-up feature when deal status changes from WIN to LOST. Fixed Lead notifications issue. Added estimate request option for clients. Employees will get mail notifications in their default languages.
Language related minor bug fix
Leave apply fix
5.4.21 - 06 May, 2024 Smtp email issue fixed
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