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WP Adminify PRO - Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard

Плагин WP Adminify PRO - Powerhouse Toolkit for WordPress Dashboard v4.0.1.2

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Настройка панели управления WordPress стала проще
= (26-08-2024) =
* Fixed: Coupon Code not working issue fixed
  • Мне нравится
Симпатии: win32kot
= (25-03-2024) =
* Update: Dark Mode switcher issue fixed
= 3.2.0 (26-11-2023) =
* Supported: Enfold Theme support given for Avia Page Builder
* Updated: Slow Admin issue improved
* Fixed: "Back to Website" not hide issue fixed
= 3.1.6 (7-08-2023) =
* Fixed: Security issues Updated
* Updated: Network admin support given for Memory Usage Dashboard widget
* Added: Rafflepress plugin support given
= 3.1.3 (02-06-2023) =
* Updated: Freemius Library Updated to latest version
* Fixed: Topbar Comment icon counter css issue fixed
* Updated: WooCommerce Button Text Shadow removed
* Updated: Plugin Details Modal popup Close Button Text Shadow removed
* Updated: Welcome Dashboard Close button color issue fixed
* Updated: Posts/Page Button, input Search background color issue fixed
* Updated: All Input Button fields background color and Text color issue fixed
* Updated: Danger Button Background Color and Hover Background Color issue fixed
* Updated: WooCommerce - homepage dark mode issue fixed
* Updated: WooCommerce - dropdown menu color issue fixed
* Updated: WooCommerce - notice, button color issue fixed
* Updated: WooCommerce - Button, Contents Text Shadow removed
* Updated: Option Settings > Customization Dark Mode Text Colors issue fixed
* Updated: WooCommerce - Analytics Dark Mode style issue fixed
* Updated: WooCommerce - Marketing Dark Mode style issue fixed
* Updated: Server Info - undefined method shell_exec() not found issue fixed
* Updated: Undefined array key "hidden_for" in MenuEditor.php issue fixed
= 3.1.2 (22-03-2023) =
* Fixed: Call to undefined method Freemius_Api_WordPress::RemoteRequest() PHP fatal error issue fixed
* Fixed: Custom CSS active sub menu color and menu background color not working issue fixed
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