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Скачать WP All Import Pro v4.10.1 Nulled Free
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
integration: support sending Function Editor code to WPCodeBox
API: add 'pmxi_mimic_browser_user_agent' filter
API: add 'pmxi_user_agent' filter
bug fix: 'current_xml_node' value is missing for image filters in some cases
bug fix: type error in rare cases when uploading Excel file
Скачать WP All Import Pro v4.10.0 Nulled Free
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
API: add pmxi_content_image action
improvement: UI updates
improvement: prioritize XML in the Accept list when downloading files
bug fix: non-SVG images are passed to SVG sanitizer in some cases
Скачать WP All Import Pro v4.9.9 Nulled Free
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
bug fix: taxonomy terms are sometimes not found by slug
bug fix: SQL query failure due to query length in rare cases when using 'change missing' option
bug fix: add-ons cannot set featured image/thumbnail in some cases
Скачать WP All Import Pro v4.9.6 Final Nulled Free
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
improvement: add setting to control file download timeout
bug fix: premature file download timeout in some cases
bug fix: automatically attempt to match terms by name if term_exists() check fails
bug fix: Scheduling license check fails with a fatal error in some cases
Скачать WP All Import Pro v4.9.4 Nulled Free
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
security improvement
improvement: get list of supported image types from WP and explicitly support AVIF images if available
bug fix: base64 gallery images in content cannot be imported
bug fix: truncate generated term slugs that exceed WP length limit
bug fix: fatal error with the French translation
bug fix: fatal error if file chunk isn't found
bug fix: only enable preloading images when using the option to download images
bug fix: use first imported content image as featured if no other images are set
bug fix: don't show PHP notice when 'allow_delay_image_processing' option doesn't exist in add-on