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WP Smush Pro – сжатие изображений WordPress

Плагин WP Smush Pro – сжатие изображений WordPress v3.17.1 NULLED

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Позволяет максимально сжимать изображения, посредством менеджера WordPress
Скачать Wpmu Dev Wp Smush Pro v3.17.1 Nulled Free
February 6, 2025 - v3.17.1

Improvement: Security hardening
Improvement: Minor code improvements
Скачать Wpmu Dev Wp Smush Pro v3.16.11 Nulled Free
= v3.16.11 ( 2024-12-10 ) =

- Fix: CDN exclusions conflict with auto resizing
Скачать Wpmu Dev Wp Smush Pro v3.16.10 Nulled Free
= v3.16.10 ( 2024-12-04 ) =

- New: Added a UI option to exclude specific images from Smush CDN.
- Improvement: Disabled Noscript tags by default to prevent broken images and potential performance regressions.
- Improvement: Enhanced the Bulk Smush process for a smoother user experience.
- Improvement: Improved WPML compatibility for seamless multilingual support.
- Fix: Excluded lazy loading placeholders from the CDN to resolve conflicts and prevent broken images.
- Fix: Added WP 6.7 compatibility fixes.
Скачать Wpmu Dev Wp Smush Pro v3.16.9 Nulled Free
= v3.16.9 ( 2024-11-13 ) =

- Improved: Smush API upgrades and improvements for better memory management
- Fix: Prevent broken images on Smush CDN when using relative links
- Fix: Hummingbird Performance Test conflicts
- Fix: Missing thumbnails when using PNG to JPG conversions
Скачать Wpmu Dev Wp Smush Pro v3.16.7 Nulled Free
= v3.16.7 ( 2024-09-11 ) =

- Improvement: Reduced memory consumption during the Smush process
- Improvement: Better directory Smush compatibility with Flywheel
- Fix: Unicode characters in image URLs causing issues
- Fix: Improved compatibility with native lazy loading
- Fix: PHP errors and warnings
Скачать Wp Smush Pro v3.16.5 Nulled Free
= v3.16.5 ( 2024-06-20 ) =

- Improvement: Security improvements
- Fix: Compatibility issue with Divi
= 3.16.4 ( 2024-05-22 ) =
- Fix: Loopback error shown unnecessarily for some sites
- Improvement: Better UI for the loopback error
= 3.16.3 ( 2024-05-15 ) =
- Improvement: Better handling of rotated images
- Improvement: Better pre-flight checks before bulk Smush is started
- Fix: Performance issues in CDN and webp link replacement functionality
- Fix: Bulk Smush performance issues
- Fix: Compatibility issue with wp.com
= 3.16.2 ( 2024-04-09 ) =
- Fix: LazyLoad module not working correctly for picture elements in certain situations
- Fix: LazyLoad module not working correctly for some CSS variables
- Fix: Better handling of !important CSS rules by the LazyLoad module
- Fix: Performance issues on some WooCommerce pages
= 3.16.1 ( 2024-03-27 ) =
- Improvement: Better compatibility with page builders
- Improvement: General code improvements
- Fix: WP Offload integration preventing some formats from getting offloaded
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