
  1. XenForo

    Перевод [cXF] Slovenian Translation for XenForo

    XenForo добавил(а) новый ресурс: [cXF] Slovenian Translation for XenForo - Slovenski prevod za XenForo Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  2. XenForo

    Перевод [cXF] Slovenian Translation for XenForo v1.5.8

    Slovenian translation for XenForo Front-end (user interface) is fully translated. Some phrases may be translated for our needs, but you can edit it yourself. If you still find some untranslated or strange translated phrase, please post your suggestions in this topic. Back-end (admin panel) is...
  3. XenForo

    Перевод [cXF] Slovenian translation for Media Gallery / Slovenski prevod za Media Gallery

    XenForo добавил(а) новый ресурс: [cXF] Slovenian translation for Media Gallery / Slovenski prevod za Media Gallery - Slovenski prevod za Media Gallery Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  4. XenForo

    Перевод [cXF] Slovenian translation for Media Gallery / Slovenski prevod za Media Gallery v2022-12-19

    Slovenian translation for XenForo Media Gallery Front-end (user interface) is fully translated. It is possible that you will find a phrase untranslated. Let us know about it. Back-end (admin panel) is not translated. License: Distributed for non-commercial use only. Terms of use: you are...
  5. XenForo

    Перевод [cXF] Slovenian translation for Resource Manager / Slovenski prevod za Resource Manager

    XenForo добавил(а) новый ресурс: [cXF] Slovenian translation for Resource Manager / Slovenski prevod za Resource Manager - Slovenski prevod za Resource Manager Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  6. XenForo

    Перевод [cXF] Slovenian translation for Resource Manager / Slovenski prevod za Resource Manager v2022-12-19

    Slovenian translation for XenForo Resource Manager Front-end (user interface) is fully translated. It is possible that you will find a phrase untranslated. Let us know about it. Back-end (admin panel) is not translated. License: Distributed for non-commercial use only. Terms of use: you are...
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