WP Smush Pro – сжатие изображений WordPress

Плагин WP Smush Pro – сжатие изображений WordPress v3.16.4

позволяет максимально сжимать изображения, посредством менеджера WordPress
= 3.16.4 ( 2024-05-22 ) =
- Fix: Loopback error shown unnecessarily for some sites
- Improvement: Better UI for the loopback error
= 3.16.3 ( 2024-05-15 ) =
- Improvement: Better handling of rotated images
- Improvement: Better pre-flight checks before bulk Smush is started
- Fix: Performance issues in CDN and webp link replacement functionality
- Fix: Bulk Smush performance issues
- Fix: Compatibility issue with wp.com
= 3.16.2 ( 2024-04-09 ) =
- Fix: LazyLoad module not working correctly for picture elements in certain situations
- Fix: LazyLoad module not working correctly for some CSS variables
- Fix: Better handling of !important CSS rules by the LazyLoad module
- Fix: Performance issues on some WooCommerce pages
= 3.16.1 ( 2024-03-27 ) =
- Improvement: Better compatibility with page builders
- Improvement: General code improvements
- Fix: WP Offload integration preventing some formats from getting offloaded
= 3.15.5 ( 2024-02-06 ) =
- Improvement: Update the number of CDN locations
- Improvement: Minor copy and UI adjustments
= 3.15.4 ( 2024-01-23 ) =
- Fix: Media library scan gets stuck on some websites
- Improvement: Minor copy and UI changes
= 3.15.3 ( 2023-12-20 ) =
- Improvement: Code stability improvements
October 24, 2022 - v3.12.3
Fix: Free to pro upgrade issue

October 20, 2022 - v3.12.2
Improvement: Security hardening
Fix: Issues on older PHP versions

August 19, 2022 - v3.11.1
Fix: Fallback to sequential processing when parallel processing not possible
WP Smush Pro 3.10.3 NULLED
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