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ПлагинAdvanced iFrame Pro
Нет прав для скачивания
Включает любую веб-страницу в виде шорткода в расширенный iframe или напрямую встраивает содержимое
Please note that all the fixed issues only apply if a user has already access to your administration!
Security fix: The include_html attribute are now only allowed to be used if you have the permission "unfiltered_html", that you need in WordPress to use iframes. If you do not have this permission, during save the attribute is removed and an error message is shown.
Security fix: All shortcode attributes have now input sanitation to avoid Stored Cross-Site Scripting at save if you do not have the permission "unfiltered_html"! This happens in the normal editor and also in the Gutenberg block! Please get the unfiltered_html permission if you get an error message while you want to use '();= or a space in attributes. This sanitation is very general and does not allow all possible things you can do with advanced iframe. As 99.9% of the users who add an iframe are editors or above this should affect almost no one directly and it makes the plugin more secure.
Security fix: " inside advanced iframe shortcode attributes is not allowed anymore to avoid XSS attacks.
Security fix: Additional output filtering of short code attributes directly used in HTML or Javascript to avoid XSS attacks. This is done for ALL roles!
for details. All places where SameSite=None is set also Partitioned; is added now.
Fix: When saving the administration the detection of modified ai.min.js could cause a file_exists too long error with a lot of text shown. A wrong variable was used here which is fixed now. Now also the detection works that ai.min.js is regenerated again and again.
New: Anchor support in iframe when auto height is active. By default an anchor scrolls to the id specified. When auto height is active no scrollbar does exist and therefore scrolling does not work. This feature is now sending the position of the anchor to the parent and scrolls the parent to the correct place. This feature is supported for the same domain and the external workaround when auto height is enabled. See this demo:
New: show_menu_link was removed from the plugin as this was added in the very beginning where the plugin was version small. Now advanced iframe is always shown in the main menu.
Fix: The timeout of the version check was reduced to 10 sec so in case the server does not respond properly the administration still works fine.
New: New feature: Show content in iframe: Support of src="page" which which generate custom content pages from the normal content and put it in an iframe. See
New: onload_resize_delay does now also support all modifications that are done on the parent. So e.g. change targets/links can be delayed as well. You can use this if content is loaded later by Ajax and this also should be modified!
New: iframe_content_css is now part of the free version.
New: shortcode_atts supports now 'advanced_iframe' as third parameter. So a filter will be available where you can overwrite attributes dynamically in custom code if needed:
Fix: show_iframe_as_layer does now first unregister all onclick events on the elements you select so that double actions are not executed. e.g. like 2 pop-ups are opened at the same time.
= 2023.6 =
- Fix: Parameters with 0 (e.g. gid=0) where removed because of the default behavior of array_filter. Now a custom filter which does only remove empty parameters is used.
New: Real fullscreen. The setting fullscreen_button_full enables the browser fullscreen.
New: fullscreen_button_hide_elements does now hide the elements by CSS and JavaScript. By CSS was not working e.g. for google ads as they have inline styles with !important that can not be overwritten.
New: Added "Left top corner" and "Left bottom corner" to the selection for the fullscreen button.
Fix: Added shortcode attribute to the description of fullscreen_button_hide_elements
Fix: Added !important at the style for display:none that should hide elements in fullscreen mode when the button is used. This enables that is also works where !important is also defined at the element which should be hidden.
Fix: iframe_url_id only shows an error now if the page is in an iframe and the mandatory parameter is not set.
Removed: removed aiLoadExternalConfig from the external workaround. It was deprecated for 2 years now.