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Amazzing filter

Модуль Amazzing filter v3.2.8

Нет прав для скачивания
Мощный фильтр, который может мгновенно обрабатывать тысячи продуктов без ошибок и тайм-аута.
Версия PrestaShop
  1. 1.6
  2. 1.7
  3. 8.x
Initial set-up is very simple.
Once module is installed, you will have a general filter template for all existing categories. You can easily edit this template by drag-n-dropping available filter criteria in required order.
If you want to display some specific filters on selected categories, you can create a new template for those categories only.

Except category pages, filter block is also available for the following pages: New products, Prices drop, Bestsellers, Search results, Products by manufacturer, Products by supplier and Main page.
All of these pages have adjustable templates, that are activated automatically on module installation. If you don't want to display filters on some of those pages, you can simply deactivate corresponding templates.

Последние обновления

  1. Amazzing filter v3.2.8

    Version 3.2.8 - 5/1/2024 PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.5 [+] Support negative values...
  2. Amazzing filter v3.2.7

    Version 3.2.7 - 2/1/2024 PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.3 [+] Possibility to merge...
  3. Amazzing filter 3.2.4 (05/22/2023)

    What's New in Version 3.2.4 (05/22/2023) [+] New sorting option: Recently updated Updated some...
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