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BuddyBoss Theme - Makes The BuddyBoss Platform Look Beautiful

Шаблон BuddyBoss Theme - Makes The BuddyBoss Platform Look Beautiful v2.7.91 NULLED

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BuddyBoss Theme
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.6.40 Nulled Free
= v2.6.40 =

* Bug: Core - Updated the meta tags in the Buddyboss theme to fix accessibility issues
* Bug: Core - Aria-labels added to Search, Messages, Notifications and Cart so that screen readers can read more accurately
* Bug: Blog - Related blog posts was showing a data base error
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.6.20 Nulled Free
= v2.6.20 =

* Bug: Blog - When using the shortcode for profile or group type, the grid did not fill the container fully
* Bug: LearnDash - Course Progress did not update on the frontend if changed in the backend
* Bug: LearnDash - The default LearnDash colors were affecting the LearnDash course page content and was displaying different colors set from BuddyBoss Theme instead
* Bug: Styling - The select box on the Quiz settings from LearnDash was displaying as large size
* Bug: Translations - When Switching Language using TranslatePress was affecting the display tabs on both Group and User Profile Pages
* Bug: TutorLMS - The product cart was not functioning correctly when using WooCommerce with TutorLMS
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.6.11 Nulled Free
= v2.6.11 =

* Bug: Performance - When page load is set to 1 this caused the members page in groups to stop loading
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.6.10 Nulled Free
= v2.6.10 =

* Enhancement: Core - Buddyboss default posts description have all been checked and updated to show correct information in the post
* Bug: Activity - The reactions displayed on the mobile view were overlapping on the displayed screen
* Bug: Blog - Related post slider on single blog page was not working if language was using left-to-right language such as Arabic
* Bug: Core - The console error is now fixed when viewing a user profile from the WP dashboard
* Bug: Core - When resetting your password, on the second confirmation password entry the eye icon to view the password was hidden
* Bug: Elementor - The color set on the WordPress menu using the Elementor editor was not being applied on the BuddyBoss Theme
* Bug: Elementor - The profile dropdown redirected to the user profile page when using the page transition and pre-loader from the Elementor plugin
* Bug: Groups - The group navigation menus are now working in mobile responsive view when the group cover image is disabled, and the Header style is set to centered
* Bug: Styling - Blockquote style is now showing in the message even if the Forum component is deactivated
* Bug: Styling - List/Grid view button was overlapping the comment button in the blog post
* Bug: Styling - Medium editor toolbar and media buttons overlap in forum discussions
* Bug: Styling - Removed the gap showing on the graph from the nested comment thread
* Bug: Styling - The add to cart/view cart button displayed a shadow when the focus state was enabled
* Bug: Styling - The spacing from the uploaded image or document on the activity post page was not perfectly even
* Bug: Theme options - Some Custom Typography font choices were not displaying correctly in the preview screen
* Bug: WooCommerce -Deleting a Product from cart would close the cart dropdown automatically
* Bug: Zoom - The Zoom setup screen toggle pass/secret buttons inside input fields display borders were causing UI issues
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.6.00 Nulled Free
= v2.6.00 =

* New Feature! Admins and Groups organizers and moderators now have the ability to use scheduling posts
* Bug: Core - 'Get post' query was being called for all frontend and backend pages, now is only being called for required screens only
* Bug: Core - Defender Pro was showing the BuddyBoss theme as malware
* Bug: Styling - Improved the UI to handle some inconsistencies for the activity comment forms when viewing in mobile web view
* Bug: Styling - The background and text color on the Calendar widget was not applied on the frontend
* Bug: Styling - While on Theme 2.0, the loading style of the Group invite and canceling a pending group invite was not using the proper styling
* Bug: TutorLMS - The coupon code button was not working properly when purchasing TutorLMS paid courses
* Bug: WooCommerce - WooCommerce templates were showing outdated when using BuddyBoss plugin and theme
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.5.90 Nulled Free
= v2.5.90 =

* Enhancement: Groups - The group feed displays the group avatar and the users avatar overlayed we have removed the group avatar from posts within said groups
* Bug: Activity - Elementor Activity feed widget would not allow the upload of gif images
* Bug: Elementor - The Course Activity widget for LifterLMS was not working correctly
* Bug: Forums - Shortcode [bbp-forum-form] was not loading properly when we put it inside the Text Editor element in Elementor
* Bug: Menus - Long Profile Sub Menus were being hidden due to an error showing not scrollable
* Bug: Styling - The username UI breaks in the activity widgets when we have a long name or profile types
* Bug: Styling - Threading graph lines removed after 3 threading levels deep
Download BuddyBoss Theme v2.5.81 Nulled Free
= v2.5.81 =

* Enhancement: Activity - Made small UI adjustments to the new activity pop-up modal
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.5.71 Nulled Free
= v2.5.71 =

* Bug: Core - Mark all as read link was not showing instantly when opening the Notification dropdown
Download BuddyBoss Theme v2.5.70 Nulled Free
= v2.5.70 =

* New Feature! - Close comments allows post authors and admins to turn of commenting on any specific post which gives users and admins another great way to maintain control and moderation
* New Feature! - To make the activity feed more streamlined we have introduced the View more comments and View more replies which will allow users to expand the threads they are interested in rather than showing the full expanded user interactions
* New Feature! - We have updated our Activity feed design to now open selected posts into its own modal which provides a more focused experience for users when interacting with posts
* New Feature! - Users now have the ability to Turn off Notifications on specific posts they have interacted with that they no longer have interest in
* Enhancement: Performance - Converted the current phase loading approach with a single request by default to improve performance
* Bug: Core - When the BuddyBoss theme, Learndash plugin, and POST SMTP plugin were activated, the email log page of the POST SMTP plugin gave a fatal error
* Bug: LearnDash - Switching from grid to list view from the LearnDash course grid using the LearnDash Course List block was showing a JS error
* Bug: LearnDash - When shortcode [ld_course_list] was used in the lesson or Learndash groups page it would break the page
* Bug: Styling - A black border was appearing on the compose messaging area
* Bug: Styling - The duplicate ellipses from the Elementor Header has now been updated showing only one ellipses
Скачать BuddyBoss Theme v2.5.60 Nulled Free
= v2.5.60 =

* Bug: Core - Addressed conflicts with using Beaver Builder standard v2.8.0.3 with Buddyboss theme
* Bug: Core - WPML language switcher icon/text added to menus on a multilingual website using LearnDash will now display and work correctly
* Bug: LearnDash - Learndash Quiz shortcode was not being supported within the BuddyBoss theme and was breaking the single posts page UI
* Bug: WooCommerce - Removed the notice of the outdated templates when using the WooCommerce plugin with BuddyBoss Theme
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