11 June 2024
Bug #9295: Verify consent Allowed URLs not functional on Joomla 4 and 5 Actions
Bug #9310: queryLoadObjectsList returning NULL Actions
Bug #9320: Regression of #9310: Only variable references should be returned by reference in libraries/CBLib/CBLib/AhaWow/Model/XmlQuery.php on line 367 Actions
Bug #9337: Table create process ignoring explicit collations Actions
Bug #9354: Permissions fields do not save on later Joomla 4 and now Joomla 5 releases Actions
Bug #9375: jQuery Validate "accept" method conflicts with native accept behavior Actions
Bug #9379: CB Validate image cropping depends on jQuery UI but isn't specified as a dependency Actions
Bug #9388: Joomla Document loaded too early in document HTML handling Actions
Bug #9389: Canvas overlaps border in home sidebar layout on profile Actions
Bug #9398: CB Repeat: nested repeats turn off repeat flag and causes default value restore on new row to fail Actions
Bug #9401: CSS RGB variable fallbacks are outputting hex instead of rgb Actions
Bug #9404: CB Select: when 2 searching select2 are rendered with default options it causes them to display the options incorrectly Actions
Bug #9408: CB Blogs: Itemid is missing from internal blog links Actions
Bug #9423: Plugin version caching fails if version check fails Actions
Bug #9435: Forum tab not limiting posts to those the user actually posted in Actions
Bug #9447: Clicking approve without selecting user causes error Actions
Bug #9448: Tooltips prematurely loading <template> elements Actions
Feature proposal #9296: implement category column display toggle for CB Blogs and CB Articles Actions
Feature proposal #9392: Implement Bootstrap 5 and FontAwesome 6 compatibility modes Actions
Feature proposal #9416: Improve the database checker to more accurately and strictly check collations Actions
Feature proposal #9424: Change CB Forums to output topics instead of individual replies for Posts tab Actions
Feature proposal #9426: Implement parameter to toggle off template loading in core modules Actions
Feature proposal #9434: Implement a faster user count option for the cb online module Actions