Как установить приложение на iOS

Смотрите видео ниже, чтобы узнать, как установить iTnull.info в качестве веб-приложения.

Примечание: Эта функция может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.

Иконка ресурса


  • Fixed
    Fix: Decline Consent Button Stores Decision Twice in Database
  • Fixed
    Fix: AJAX Consent Confirmation Returns 404 When Reload Page Is Disabled.
  • Fixed
    Fix: empty alert after clicking “Save settings” in the Cookies Manager Modal Window.
  • Fixed
    Fix: Too few arguments to function plgSystemCookiesPolicyNotificationBar::eek:nContentPrepare(), 2 passed, at least 3 expected.
27-Sep-2024 : v4.3.8
^ Updated: Language files for the following locales have been updated with new constants: da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-GB, fr-FR, it-IT, nl-NL, and ru-RU.
! Removed: Header comments from .ini language files for cleaner code.
^ Enhanced: Added a validation to check for the presence of the Web357 Framework System Plugin. Displays an informative message if the plugin is missing.
# Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Скачать бесплатно Cookies Policy Notification Bar v4.2.4
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