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Divi Plus - 41 Powerful Modules for Divi Theme

Плагин Divi Plus - 41 Powerful Modules for Divi Theme v1.13.0

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Скачать Divi Plus v1.13.0 - 41 Powerful Modules for Divi Theme Nulled Free
= v1.13.0 = Release date: 3rd February 2025

* NEW: Mystery Image module.
* NEW: Posts Ticker module.
* NEW: Promotion Bar module.
* NEW: Unfold Extension.
* ADDED: (Image Card, Image Card Carousel) Control to open image in lightbox.
* ADDED: (Ajax Search) Control to exclude password protected page from search results.
* ADDED: (Testimonial Grid) Control for column spacing.
* ADDED: (Text Animator) Control to play animation only once.
* ADDED: (Separator) Alt tag support for image in separator with image option.
* ADDED: (Blog Slider) Control for vertical content alignment.
* ADDED: (Woo Products) Filter hook for sorting orderby options(for developers).
* FIXED: (Breadcrumbs) Text style settings were not working on the last item in layout 2.
* IMPROVEMENT: (Testimonial Grid) Control for responsive number of columns.
Скачать Divi Plus v1.12.0 - 41 Powerful Modules for Divi Theme Nulled Free
= v1.12.0 = Release date: 22nd May 2024

* ADDED: (Tabs) Control for Border on Tab titles.
* ADDED: (Tabs) Control for spacing between Tab titles.
* ADDED: (Blog Slider, ImageCard Carousel, Logo Slider, Team Slider, Testimonial Slider, WooProducts Carousel) Border radius control for slider navigation.
* ADDED: (Blog Slider) Control to hide post title.
* ADDED: (WooProducts) Border control for product thumbnail.
* ADDED: (Team Grid) Control to disable zoom effect on image.
* ADDED: (Hotspot) Contol for Hotspot image alignment.
* ADDED: (Text Animator) Padding control for animated text.
* ADDED: (Price List) Control for period like per day, per month etc.
* ADDED: (Image Card, Image Card Carousel) Control to hide the title.
* ADDED: (WooProducts Categories) Control for border.
* ADDED: (Particle Background) Control to disable it on tablet and mobile.
* FIXED: (Blog Slider, Image Card Carousel, Logo Slider, Team Slider, Testimonial Slider, WooProducts Carousel) FontAwesome icons were not visible in slider navigation.
* FIXED: (Interactive Image Card) Lily layout was not responsive.
* FIXED: (Instagram Feed Carousel) Cube and Flip effects were not working correctly.
* FIXED: (Woo Products, Woo Products Carousel) Deprecated error is coming when the product is on sale.
* IMPROVEMENT: (Image Card Carousel) Read more button will be aligned at the bottom when equalize slide height setting is enabled.
* IMPROVEMENT: (Team Grid) Content was not displaying properly when there was no team member image.
* IMPROVEMENT: (Timeline) Responsive option for stem shape and stem shape fill color.
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