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DJ-Catalog2 - компонент каталога для Joomla

Компонент DJ-Catalog2 - компонент каталога для Joomla v5.2.8

Нет прав для скачивания
Мощное решение для электронной коммерции и каталогов для Joomla
  • (!) Inpost missing class,
  • (!) Items should not be displayed if their categories are unpublished (fix)
  • (!) stripe missing class (On the old stripe)
  • (!) search_filters instead of search in mod_djc2categories
  • (!) Filters wizard (fix)
  • (+) added new method search_filters_wizard without the cid in url provided (controller)
  • (!) Updated the method call task in filters wizard
  • (!) payu missing class
  • (!) price_raw missing class
  • (!) cateogoriesmodule fixed controller method, new methods to controller for modules and filters
  • (!) Subscription expire time threshold (notify before subscription expire before this time) in global configuration can be now selected
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