Multipurpose eCommerce HTML Template – Dking is a multi-concept eCommerce template for 14+ industries. This responsive and beautiful HTML5 template is based on Bootstrap4. No doubt, you can easily alter your website template into Electronics, Book, Cake, Fashion, Flower, Furniture, Hand Craft, kids, Organic, Pet food, Tree plant And Automobile.
Moreover, Multipurpose eCommerce HTML Template – Dking has a beautiful and unique design, which comes with 19+ unique Home Versions. Additionally, get total 54+ HTML pages which built up using HTML5 & CSS3. You can even enable the shop grid style or shop list style.
However, the multipurpose template Dking is SEO-friendly, and as well as, cross-browser optimized. It comes with slick Slider, Google Fonts, Dynamic Contact Form, W3C Validate Markup, and plenty more. Try Multipurpose eCommerce HTML Template – Dking now!
Main Features List:
- 54+ Total pages
- 19+ Home pages
- 10+ Header Style
- 6+ Footer Style
- 4+ Blog layouts
- 15+ Shop layouts
- 9+ Product layouts
- Slick Slider Use
- Build with Bootstrap 4
- Made with sass(scss)
- Icon font (IcoFont)
- Google font include
- W3C Validated Code
- Clean Code
- Speed Optimized
- Cross Browser Support
- Well Documented
- No console error