Essential Addons for Elementor
Увеличивает функциональность конструктора страниц Elementor PRO
= 5.1.5 - 05/07/2022 =

- Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Google Login not working
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.1.4 - 27/06/2022 =

- Fixed: EA Post Block & EA Post Carousel | Image Sizes being Changed because of the image ration option
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements

= 5.1.3 - 14/06/2022 =

- Improved: EA LearnDash Course List | Added option to display categories, tags and enrolled labels
- Improved: EA Content Timeline | Added option to display feature images for dynamic posts
- Improved: EA advanced Search | Added option to "include" a certain category
- Improved: EA MailChimp | Added tags option in the MailChimp form
- Improved: EA Post Block | Added option to display Post Terms
- Fixed: EA Advanced Search | Search functionality is not working on mobile devices
- Fixed: EA Content Timeline | Content not showing if different characters such as % is used
- Fixed: EA Post Block | Throwing PHP Notice
- Fixed: EA Testimonial Slider | Description not being translatable
- Fixed: EA Dynamic Gallery | Category filters not loading properly
- Fixed: EA Image Hotspots | Link not removing from Tooltip hover
- Fixed: EA Twitter Feed Carousel | Replies being displayed in tweets
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.0.10 - 12/04/2022 =

- Fixed: EA Twitter Feed Carousel | Latest feed data not showing automatically
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.0.6 - 02/02/2022 =

- EA Advanced Google Map | "Add Item" button not working in Polygon type
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
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