= 4.6.1 (2024-3-23) =
ADDED: setting to hide location other events button on eventcard
ADDED: featured image to show as full size or fit full image to box
FIXED: missing get_supported_shortcode_atts()
FIXED: javascript error on ux_val=3a
FIXED: export all events to adjust event time based on timezone
FIXED: ajax assigning events json to calendar
FIXED: featured image min height not working
FIXED: saving location on lightbox not generating coordinates
FIXED: clear filter not working
FIXED: Other events translation missing
FIXED: event list event time not using correct unix
FIXED: default ux_val to be slide down
FIXED: slidedown eventcard interactions not workign
FIXED: repeat series event time
FIXED: cal_nint_nonajax='yes' not loading cal header
FIXED: apply filter not showing when filter indicator is disabled
FIXED: google map not working for eventcard open on default
FIXED: filter and sort button toggling misalignement
FIXED: hide filter menu when clicked outside
FIXED: organizer and location archive template alignments
FIXED: minor eventcard layout styles