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Примечание: В настоящее время для использования этой функции требуется доступ к сайту с помощью встроенного браузера Safari.
Version 5.5.0 - Joomla! 5 UpgradeRelease Date: Oct 24, 2023 Upgraded. compatibility with Joomla 5.0.0. Fixed. error loading core.js file. Fixed. language texts that contain double quotes.
Version 5.3.0 - New Features ReleaseRelease Date: Jul 21, 2022 New. feature Search only in the title. New. Set the minimum length of search word that users must type before a search is performed (applied for instant search). New. Highlight keyword that contains wildcard character. Updated. the library Mark.js (text highlighter) to the latest version 9.0.0. Improved. function Smart Description Cutter. New. Add a setting to get image from content [Article]. Fixed. Error missing image in browser console. Use blank image as a placeholder (replace for template variable).
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