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ПлагинGenius Member
Нет прав для скачивания
Легко идентифицируйте ваших гениальных участников на вашем форуме по 5 критериям
HTML correction, one : was lying around in the code. (thanks @Wanji)
Use of XenForo syntax for FontAwesome icons (the icons now respect the weight defined in the XenForo options).
Better description of Success, Locked, and Disabled icons when hovered over them.
Widgets are renamed:
Espace large : Your goals for the Genius grade!
Narrow space: Genius grade goals
Replacement of the Vote Score criterion by Ratio:
The 5 criteria for reaching the Genius rank are also criteria found for user group promotions in order to trigger a user group promotion when the Genius grade is achieved.
The Ratio criterion is the result of the reaction score divided by the number of messages from users, the values to be defined according to the desired difficulty are these:
easy : 0,05 to 0.25
medium: 0.3 to 0.45
difficult: 0.5 to 0.7
above 0.7 the goal is very difficult
The Ratio criterion is locked until the user reaches 500 posts in order to avoid fanciful values when the user is new and has few posts published.