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Invision Community (IPS Forum) NULLED

Релиз Invision Community (IPS Forum) NULLED v4.7.19

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Создавайте и развивайте свое сообщество с помощью нашей масштабируемой и настраиваемой платформы

Новое в версии 4.7.19​

Выпущена 13 ноября
This is our November security and maintenance release.
Key changes include:

Additional Information

  • Added a default timeout for the SMTP connection.
  • Added Message-ID generation for SMTP emails, for compatibility with SMTP servers that do not follow the RFCs.
  • Added email notification for users signing in to dormant accounts.
  • Added a requirement for CAPTCHA to be enabled for guests to use post before registering.
  • Improved IndexNow error logging.
  • Improved consistency with share links popups and added click to copy URL.
  • Improved the Report Center, adding new functionality and improving the user experience.
  • Optimised deleting member content.
  • Fixed an issue where changing a primary or secondary group for a member wouldn't reset the cached value.
  • Fixed an issue where permanently deleting content from the ModCP-Report Center would fail. . Fixed a wrong path in the robots.txt file.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting nodes could throw an error.
  • Fixed an issue where some club containers could throw an error.
  • Fixed an issue where member profiles could be broken if a member had an invalid group.
  • Fixed an issue where search can be slow on very large communities.
  • Fixed an issue where the member history may show a wrong "by" name.
  • Fixed an issue where the diagnostics statistics settings wouldn't save successful.
  • Fixed an issue with the admin stream settings, where the "Active Members" Setting wouldn't be saved.
  • Fixed an issue where the clubs widget could throw an error when a custom field filter for a deleted field is being used.
  • Fixed an issue where creating a stream in the ACP wouldn't show all available nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where streams could not always be sorted correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with Firefox, where one couldn't break out of the quote box by pressing enter twice.
  • Fixed an issue in the core-webhooks documentation.
  • Fixed an issue where automatic moderation rules couldn't be created if there were no report types.
  • Fixed an issue where the s3 deletion task wouldn't be enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where promoted Comments could not be removed from Promoted Content.
  • Removed the deprecated hive task.
  • Removed the ping call to the deprecated Google Sitemap Service.
  • Replaced the h2 header on the landing page with an h1 element.
  • Added Canonical URLs for /store and /subscriptions.
  • Added robots.txt rule to block ?currency= (currency changer links).
  • Updated the code to support the new MaxMind API version.
  • Fixed an issue where subscriptions with no expiration threw an error when calculating upgrade cost.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple currencies could be set as the default.
  • Fixed an issue with reactivating purchases.
  • Fixed an issue where moving images from an album wouldn't rebuild the total images count.
  • Fixed an issue where editing the member restrictions would throw an exception when downloads app was enabled.
  • Optimised topic summary for busy communities.
  • Fixed issues with JSON-LD/ markup in Q&A mode.
  • Fixed an issue where publishing a future topic manually wouldn't update the topics publish date & time.
  • Fixed an issue where approving a topic may not immediately update the number of topics pending approval.
  • Fixed an issue where archived posts were not included in the post counts.
  • Fixed an issue where topics you have posted in are not always marked with a star.
  • Fixed an issue where creating comments via REST wouldn't show the comment when comments were synced with forum posts.
  • Fixed an issue where records from club categories were showing in feeds incorrectly.
  • Added a description field to the Club Category form.
  • Fixed an issue where the club name was not displaying in feeds for club records and comments.
  • Fixed an issue where Map fields were showing on the form for non-Address fields.
  • Fixed an issue where the quiz questions were missing the formatting while taking the quiz.
  • Enabled content Spam Analysis, can be disabled via AdminCP > Smart Community > Spam Analysis.
  • Improved hot/popular topics for Cloud customers; Added ability to disable.
  • Added ability add Live Topics to Club Calendars and convert to Club Forums.
  • Fixed an issue where Polls are not converted correctly during SMF conversions.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Updated PHPUserAgent to 1.0.9.
  • JSON-LD BreadcrumbList now includes the breadcrumb for the page being viewed.
  • Redis now uses a reader for lRange.
  • Optimised fetching online user list when using Redis.

Invision Community 4.7.18​

Released 08/06/2024

Key Changes​

This is our August maintenance release.

Additional Information​

  • Added new prune setting for failed requests in API logs.
  • Improved the efficiency of unread content streams when using MySQL 8.
  • Improved performance when replying to a content item or create a content item.
  • Fixed possible error when using the DataLayer with PII as well as Single Sign on.
  • Fixed issue with deleting secondary group using the REST API.
  • Fixed an issue where Censor Block may allow HTML tags to be used in the preview even though they are not stored in the database.
  • Fixed an issue where group promotion may move the member back to the default group if MySQL is temporarily unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue where the results count was always 0 for Hidden Content in the ModCP
  • Fixed an issue where certain saved charts were not showing.
  • Fixed an issue where broken modlog data could break the topic view page.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to toggle online status without multi-factor authentication.
  • Fixed an issue where OAuth PKCE values may not persist in some situations.
  • Fixed an issue where some very old topics would not show the "I posted in this" star.
  • Fixed an issue with notifications on comments that did not account for anonymous posting.
  • Fixed an error on the Manage Promoted Items page when an application is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue which happened while warning a member.
  • Fixed an issue where the content widget was showing the tags option for all content types, even if they weren't implementing tags.
  • Fixed an issue where a service worker may not work if your site is not accessible to guests.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted an application wouldn't remove the data from the core_javascript db table.
  • Fixed an issue on the moderators permission page.
  • Fixed an issue where the REST API (with API key) would not return a last activity date for anonymous members.
  • Fixed an issue on Cloud where large Member CSV imports would inadvertently trigger human verification.
  • Removed CommunityHive integration.
  • Removed ability for pending-validation registrations changing their email address to avoid a race condition.
  • Improved performance when rebuilding statistical data for forum topics.
  • Added a new prune settings for Commerce related member history.
  • Fixed an issue where upgrading subscriptions did not always update the expiration date.
  • Fixed an issue where support request URLs would be sent to IndexNow.
  • Fixed an issue where some support requests were not properly linked to a member account.
  • Fixed an issue where some billing agreements were not properly linked to purchases.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the club owner could fail for paid clubs.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when viewing badges that had been assigned for completing a course.
  • Fixe dan issue in the upcoming events widget where club events would be shown even if they shouldn't.
  • Fixed an issue with the RSS Feed widget, where the cache expiration time would be overwriten by the custom rss widget cache time.
  • Removed the 'Popular Now' widget, use 'Trending Content' instead.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Added new _setLastComment() method to nodes.
  • Added new \IPS\Node\DelayedCount trait.
  • Other performance improvements included related to search index and content statistics.

Invision Community 4.7.17​

Released 05/29/2024

Key Changes​

This is our May maintenance release.
This release also improves bruteforce detection for logins and updates to local Stripe payment methods (such as iDEAL, Sofort, Giropay, Bancontact).

Additional Information​

  • Added a maximum recommended PHP version warning.
  • Removed the club join button from the clubs rules page.
  • Improved the club overview and member page to include a page title.
  • Improved the handling of the custom upgrade page to prevent errors.
  • Improved bruteforce login protection across login attempts for multiple accounts.
  • Fixed an issue on the profile where the solutions section would return an error if there's no class which utilizes solutions.
  • Fixed alignment of club names in cover photos.
  • Fixed an issue where embedding images could fail.
  • Fixed an issue where the s3Delete task may not be enabled.
  • Fixed alignment of club names in cover photos.
  • Fixed an issue where unapproved content notifications did not use the item read status.
  • Fixed an issue where the Device Usage block was displaying incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where saved Points charts were not showing.
  • Fixed an issue where announcements could be created with an end date in the past.
  • Fixed an issuer where the timescale for saved charts would not change.
  • Fixed an issue where the background task to move/delete content items could fail if the first comment was missing.
  • Fixed the hardcoded content type name in the recognized content block.
  • Fixed an issue where Moderator Activity charts were using the same date range.
  • Fixed an issue where a not available item from the search index could break the daily stream subscriptions mail.
  • Fixed an issue where the blog seo name wasn't updated when the blog name was changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the blog grid view could have a broken pagination.
  • Fixed an issue where hiding a subscription package in the ACP would throw an error.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate records could be generated for PayPal billing agreements.
  • Fixed an issue where some stripe payments were processed twice.
  • Fixed an issue where users could upgrade subscription plans at no charge if the expiration date had passed but the purchase was not marked as expired.
  • Stripe non-card payments now use the updated version of the Stripe API.
  • Fixed an issue where the offset wasn't casted to an integer which could have caused an error on the events overview page.
  • Improved the efficiency when viewing very large archived topics.
  • Fixed an issue where forum post counts may not be accurate.
  • Fixed an issue where moving the file storage location would not update the file path in the database.
  • Improved the php block code validation while saving the custom blocks content.
  • Fixed an issue where club categories did not show in the list when club content is visible throughout the community.
  • Fixed an issue where page template names could have a space in the title.
  • Fixed an issue where creating new records via REST would fail when revision history is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a database wouldn't delete all it's categories.
  • Fixed an issue where club category menu entries would be shown even if the visitor has no permissions to view the page.
  • Fixed an issue where guests couldn't open the club categories page.
  • Fixed an issue where live topic notifications would be shown to for hidden/deleted topics.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Removed a MySQL 5.7 specific optimisation for loading content item with lots of comments.
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