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JetEngine (Crocoblock)

Плагин JetEngine (Crocoblock) v3.1.4

Нет прав для скачивания
аддон создания динамического контента для конструктора Elementor
## 3.1.4
* ADD: Relevanssi search and Query Builder compatibility;
* ADD: Allow to set aria-labels for Dynamic Link widget and for clickable listing grid item;
* ADD: Is post by queried user dynamic visibility condition;
* ADD: Shortcode Result macro;
* UPD: Show deleted instance name in dialog box for JetEngine instances;
* FIX: Better WPML compatibility;
* FIX: Media-realted dynamic tags processing;
* FIX: ACF repeater settings for Dynamic Repeater widget;
* FIX: Grid/Slider Gallery Dynamic Field;
* FIX: Listing grid in Bricks builder - Not Found message control;
ADD: 'jet-engine/query-builder/set-props', 'jet-engine/listing/current-object-title', 'jet-engine/query-builder/filters/before-set-props', 'jet-engine/query-builder/filters/after-set-props' hooks;
FIX: Additional security checks on export, import and duplicate legacy forms.
## 3.1.3
* ADD: Dynamic Field: Allow to specify object property to get manually;
* ADD: Allow enabling hierarchical structure of term link;
* ADD: Current Date macro;
* UPD: Profile Builder: User Page Title to add First Name, Last Name & Nickname;
* FIX: Fatal error when listing is not exists;
* FIX: Layout option for relations meta;
* FIX: Unable to fetch image in Lisitng item in Buicks Builder;
* FIX: ACF get_field() function not working properly in Listing Item;
* FIX: Form displayed with a shortcode not working properly;
* FIX: Shortcode generator: Missing Format Number callback parameter;
* FIX: Custom Query with filter by related post;
* FIX: Repeater query issue with dynamic fields below;
* FIX: CCT Query IN and NOT IN operators do not get an array as a value;
* FIX: PHP errors on save build-in taxonomy;
* FIX: Terms Query: Order by meta clause does not work if the clause name contains capital letters;
* FIX: Update elementor database critical error.
Version 3.0.7 (November 21, 2022)

ADD: Dynamic Image for Elementor - allow to open image in Lightbox;
ADD: New Dynamic Visibility conditions (Greater or equal, Less or equal, Between, Not Between, Regexp, Not Regexp);
UPD: Dynamic Feilds for Elementor - add dynamic data support for Fallback option;
UPD: Allow to select context for Dynamic Terms;
FIX: Profile builder, URL for deleted user;
FIX: Taxonomies, allow to add more then 32 symbols to slug;
FIX: Listing Item + Kadence Blocks (PRO) background image;
FIX: Repeater Field delimiter Trims intentionall whitespaces;
FIX: PHP error with JSF version less 3.0.0;
FIX: Elementor 3.8.0 compatibility;
FIX: Map listing with Elementor sticky option.
Version (November 1, 2022)

FIX: Calendar navigation for some cases.

Version 3.0.6 (November 1, 2022)

ADD: Macro Query Results Count;
ADD: JSF compatibility - Query Builder source for filter options;
ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#2288;
UPD: Show pop-up Jet Engine Map Listing;
FIX: Dynamic meta block error in the posts content;
FIX: Load more doesnt work for listing with query builder after filtering by checkbox field;
FIX: Lazy load listing is not filtered with redirect;
FIX: Query builder: Random order + Load More + Filters;
FIX: Listing Grid with WC Query inside Listing Grid;
FIX: Map Settings issue with the listing;
FIX: Borlabs Cookies and Maps Listing;
FIX: Geolocation filter initizliation;
FIX: Load more and nested listings;
FIX: Use local timestamp instead of universal time in the Dynamic calendar;
FIX: Fatal error if received post terms is WP_ERROR;
FIX: WPML issue;
FIX: Dynamic visibility is_in_stock error.
Version 3.0.2 (July 26, 2022)

ADD: Allow to create listing for non-public post type;
ADD: Add to cart source for dynamic link widget;
ADD: WooCommerce specific dynamic visibility conditions;
ADD: WC Products In Cart macros;
UPD: Ability to hide Delete Item button in Relations UI;
FIX: Better relations and WPML compatibility;
FIX: Conditions for macros dynamic tags;
FIX: Load more doesn't work for CCT listing after filtering;
FIX: Dynamic settings for Order By query arguments;
FIX: Load more with the Listing Grid on the products page;
FIX: WC Product Query dynamic data.
Version 2.11.7 (April 13, 2022)

ADD: compat with Elementor 3.6 (Listing equal columns height);
ADD: horizontal layout for checkbox & radio fields in meta boxes;
UPD: better relations and JSF compatibility;
UPD: allow to use 3rd party data as source for the calendar widget;
UPD: better compatibility the lazy load listing with the filters;
FIX: better WooCommerce compatibility;
FIX: Query Builder and JSF redirect compatibility;
FIX: the Load More listing after redirect to prefiltered page (mixed apply type);
FIX:Edit post type/meta box link style in Blocks Editor;
FIX: RTL compatibility masonry listing;
FIX: Apply relations controls labels.
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