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Version 14.1.0 Jun 28, 2024 Splitting of the "Single (Page & Form)" settings group to "Listing Forms Options" and "Listing Details Page Options". Renaming of the "List & Search" to "Listings List Options". Add a global "Type of display" option for categories in the group of settings "Listing Forms Options". Resend support added (as new mail sending driver). Backed enumerations implemented for the Continents, Genders, User Types entities, and removal of their DB tables. Append "excerpt" column for listings collections from the API. Pure JS autocomplete implemented (Replaces the version which uses jQuery). Some drivers and web services validation (like: Mail, SMS, ...) options improved. The pricing page will no longer force to be shown during the listing creation process when the logged in user has a valid subscription. Delivery the right error message, when action cannot be done under impersonation. Properly apply the "Domain Mapping" plugin middleware when the plugin is installed. Minor Improvements. Minor Bugs fixed.
Version 11.2.4 Mar 14, 2023INFORMATION Make sure you have upgraded your installed plugins (by replacing the plugins' files also). Minor bugs fixed. Minor improvements.
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