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Компонент JReviews
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Add Access Level setting to media forms in admin so it can be modified for specific media - CP.
Add current media Access Level to media browse preview - CP.
Changed email field output so emails with unicode domains are converted back to unicode.
Rename listing form id in CP.
Remember scroll position when listing filter does a full page reload.
Debounce admin settings search input trigger.
Removed bit.ly integration settings since it's no longer used.
Fix issues with Amazon S3 for buckets created after April 2023 and add S3 bucket setup issue detection.
Fix media not filter by access level in frontend media list page.
Fix duplicate error on insert to listing aggregates table when listing not deleted via JReviews + RapidLauncher is used to re-import.
Fix wrong initial media publish status set when starting video encoding job.
(Joomla) Fix front-end video upload encoding issue when using EasySocial integration due to missing Joomla configuration in CommandDispatcher.
Fix union query error when using multiple columns for ordering in reviews pages.
(Joomla) Fix category SEO meta description not used as description when enabled.
Fix database migration to only try adding jreviews_discussions .discussion_note column if not already there.
Another fix for old original images not showing after being converted to webp.
Trim leading/trailing spaces from video link URL before processing it.
Fix listing all reviews page load error when review has attachment.
Fix summary/description wysiwyg editor changes not saved - CP.
Fix loading frontend listing edit page without listing id param should return 404.
Fix setup issue checks.
Add numeric field display logic to JReviews 5 field output.
Updated logic to discover the command line php binary path needed for background processes.
Change appstore download approach to prevent potential memory errors.
(WordPress) Completely disable The SEO Framework plugin titles for all JReviews pages.
Refactor front-end video encoding to use use new background command dispatcher.
Update transloadit ffmpeg and imagemagick stack versions.
Add Setup Issue checks for background tasks.
(Joomla) Fix signup block form action url doesn't allow login.
Fix WordPress MenuFinder::class not returning a string.
Fix active page style not working.
Fix allow_null_values_for_numeric_fields DB migration error.
Fix Amazon S3 uploads fail for buckets created after AWS disabled ACL by default.
(WordPress) Fix error when retrieving user roles for guests.
Fix filters search button overflows in mobile slideover.
Fix file save issue when using local storage with cloud encoding (frontend).
(WordPress) Fix error editing/creating related listing custom fields.
Fix fields using php output format are ignored when also used in automated title/alias.
Fix several media related php warnings/errors.
Throw 404 error when segment-based routing detects incorrect URL format.
Fix MobileDetect deprecated error when agent not found.