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Скачать Lagom WHMCS Client Theme By RSStudio v2.2.1 Nulled Free Version 2.2.1 Released 15th of September 2023 Compatible with WHMCS 8.7.x Addon NEW Compatibility with third-party WHMCS admin area theme called “AdminX”. FIX Fixed a licensing problem that could cause the theme to deactivate on certain server setups. Client Area Improvements Improved compatibility with “Advanced” and “Basic” theme integrations, so update of these packages won't need to be required. FIX Resolved issue with loading of menu item “name”, in case WHMCS default language were different than English. FIX Rectified translation issues related to menu item “label” and “descriptions”. FIX Resolved pricing display issues within the “Modern” homepage template, as well in product packages in specific product and WHMCS configurations. Order Process FIX Resolved pricing display issues within product packages in specific product and WHMCS configurations.
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