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Это премиум версия популярного плагина перевода для WordPress

3.6.3 (2024-06-18)​

  • Pro: Fix locale fallback for translations loaded just in time (requires WP 6.6)
  • Allow to pass an array as context to icl_register_string() #1497
  • Fix admin bar search menu in WP 6.6 #1496
  • Fix a regression in the usage of the filter pll_flag #1489

3.6.2 (2024-06-03)​

  • Pro: Fix XLIFF files not correctly imported when exported from older version than 3.6
  • Pro: Fix translated categories not assigned to translated post when using machine translation
  • Pro: Fix \'lang\' param not applied for secondary queries during a REST request
  • Pro: Fix newlines for content edited in classic editor and translated with DeepL
  • Pro: Fix a conflict with the Stream plugin on multisite
= 3.6.1 (2024-04-09) =
* Pro: Fix ACF fields not swown after a post was translated with DeepL
* Remove rewrite when registering the language taxonomy #1457
* Fix search block not filtered when displayed as button only #1459
* Fix current language not kept when using switch_to_blog() in multisite #1458
== 3.6 (2024-03-18) ==

* Requires WP 6.2 as minimum version
* Add compatibility with WP 6.5
* Pro: Add DeepL machine translation for posts
* Pro: Add export and import in XLIFF 2.0/2.1 formats
* Pro: Improve translator comments in exported PO files
* Pro: Allow to export JSON encoded post and term metas in XLIFF files
* Pro: Allow to export block sub-attributes in XLIFF files
* Pro: Add footer notes block to XLIFF files
* Pro: Single files are now exported directly instead of inside a zip
* Pro: Reworked the language switcher navigation block
* Pro: Fix language switcher navigation block justification not aligned with core settings in overlay menu (requires WP 6.5)
* Pro: Fix a race condition which could lead to display a notice to the wrong user
* Pro: Fix a conflict with ACF when rewrite rules are flushed with WP-CLI on a multisite
* Pro: Fix import of several metas with same sources but different translations
* Add filter `pll_cookie_args` to filter the Polylang cookie arguments #1406
* Fix wrong translated post types and taxononies after a `switch_to_blog()` #1415
* Fix a minor performance issue for the page for posts #1412
* Fix a JS errors after quick edit. Props @mcguffin #1435, #1444
* Fix a possible warning in view-translations-post.php #1439
= 3.5.2 (2023-10-25) =

* Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
* Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 for the main site on mutisite #1375
= 3.5.1 (2023-10-17) =
* Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
* Pro: Fix fatal error when using plain permalinks on multisite
* Pro: Fix rewrite rules incorrectly refreshed when saving strings translations
* Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 on mutisite #1366
* Fix fatal error when using symlinked MU plugins that are not in open_basedir #1368
= 3.4.6 (2023-09-13) =
* Pro: Security: Fix unsafe custom style injection in navigation language switcher block
= 3.4.4 (2023-07-18) =

* Pro: Register a default (empty) value for the "lang" param when listing posts and terms in REST API
* Pro: Fix categories list refresh when the language of a post is changed in the block editor
* Pro: Fix store "pll/metabox" is already registered
* Add Kirghiz to the predefined list of languages #1308
* Fix incorrect flag url when WordPress is installed in a subfolder #1296
* Fix wrong home page url in multisite #1300
= 3.4.3 (2023-06-13) =
* Adapt the language filter for `get_pages()` for WP 6.3 #1268
* Fix static front page displaying latest posts when it is not translated #1295
* Fix a database error in ANSI mode #1297
* Fix a database error when accessing posts from another site in multisite #1301
= 3.4.2 (2023-05-30) =
* Fix empty languages displayed when Falang data are remaining in the database #1286
* Fix PHP warning on term_props #1288
* Fix blog page displayed in the customizer instead of the static front page when changing a setting #1289
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