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Примечание: Эта возможность может быть недоступна в некоторых браузерах.
Скачать Porto v7.4.4 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.4.4 (2.26.2025)
- Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7
- Updated: Revolution slider plugin to 6.7.29
- Fixed: Layout issue in Elementor and WPBakery front-end editors when the product archive layout uses a horizontal filter
- Fixed: Porto modal dialog WPBakery element not opening correctly when multiple instances are present on a page
- Fixed: Display password button style issue on the My Account page
- Fixed: Second-level options failed to expand in the customizer options panel
Скачать Porto v7.4.3 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme Nulled Free
v7.4.3 (2.18.2025)
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7 RC
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 8.2
+ Added: WOFF2 font support for Simple Line Icons
- Fixed: Minor PHP warning in inc/functions/woo-actions/single-product.php
Скачать Porto v7.4.2 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.4.2 (2.3.2025)
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.28
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Events Manager plugin
- Fixed: Porto modal dialog element not opening correctly when multiple instances exist on a page
- Fixed: SEO attribute issues in the result count element of the Porto Shop Builder
Download Porto v7.4.0 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme Nulled Free
v7.4.0 (1.7.2025)
+ Added: New WPBakery DemoДля просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
+ Added: New Elementor DemoДля просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
+ Added: Elementor 3.27 Compatibility Beta
+ Added: Reduce DOM size by eliminating unnecessary HTML wrappers in all Porto elements and widgets with Optimize Markup
+ Added: New Version Alpus Flexbox Plugin 2.3.0
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.to Plugin
+ Added: Slide animation to Plugin
+ Performance: Thumb Gallery Javascript Resources (thumb-gallery.js) is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: vc-zoom.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: animated-letters is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: content-collapse is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: bootstrap-popover.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: hover-image.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: hover-split.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: hz-scroller.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: mouse-parallax.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: pg-hv-overlay.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: read-more.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: video-bg.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: preview-image.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: like.js(Portfolio, Blog) is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: popup-menu.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: side-nav.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: sidebar-menu.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: skeleton.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: wishlist.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: bg-parallax.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: bar-tip.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: inviewport.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: fitvideo.js is separated from theme.js
+ Reduced: File size of theme.js and theme-async.js
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.on Shop 52
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.to Popup Builder
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.option to Porto Posts Grid
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.Dynamic Function to Heading Widget
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.Dynamic Function to Button Widget
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.Dynamic Function to Ultimate Heading Widget
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.option on Theme Options
+ Added: Aria-label to Owl-Carousel
+ Added: ID option to Progress Bar Widget on WPBakery Page Builder
+ Added: Shortcode render function to Tab title on WPBakery Tabs Widget
+ Added: Animation to Label button on WPBakery Button Widget
+ Added: YITH Frequently Bought Together on plugins' list
+ Added: Event post type to Live Search
+ Added: ID on WPBakery Porto Container Widget
- Updated: 2 Demos to New Design
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
- Updated: WP Rocket Compatibility
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.25
- Updated: Ultimate Carousel inline js compatibility with WP Rocket Ajax Cache
- Updated: Marquee Widget compatibility with WP Rocket Defer JS loading
- Updated: Eliminate the duplicated ID of Porto Widgets
- Updated: Wishlist Widget
- Updated: Info List Widget
- Updated: Portfolios Widget
- Updated: Blog Widget
- Updated: Icon Widget
- Updated: Countdown Widget
- Updated: Carousel Widget
- Updated: Ultimate Heading Widget
- Updated: Contact Form with WP Form style options
- Updated: WPBakery Porto Section Widget
- Updated: Interactive Banner Widget
- Updated: Reveal Effect
- Updated: Star rating style
- Updated: Product thumbnail image size
- Updated: Preload function of Ultimate Content Box
- Updated: Auto focus to reveal search form
- Updated: SVG render function on Info Box Widget
- Updated: SVG render function on Schedule Timeline Widget
- Updated: SVG render function on Counter Widget
- Removed: Search Border Radius option on Full Site Editing(Soft) Mode
- Fixed: Issue that style options of Column Text Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that style options of Custom Heading Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Popover Widget doesn't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that style options of Column Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Scroll Parallax options of Row Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Video Background options of Row Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Zoom options of Single Image Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Sidebar Menu, Toggle Dropdown Menu Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Mouse Parallax options of Animation Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Marquee option doesn't work well in WPBakery
- Fixed: Issue that 1 column slider init class doesn't work on responsiveness
- Fixed: Issue that portfolio slider init class doesn't work on single Portfolio page
- Fixed: Issue that video of vc_row doesn't work on Gutengerg Preview
- Fixed: Issue that wishlist tooltip remains after added to wishlist
- Fixed: Issue that quickview popup doesn't work in Wishlist page
- Fixed: Issue that countdown on quickview doesn't work
- Fixed: Calculation issue of Menu popup width
- Fixed: Duplicated render issue of dynamic function
- Fixed: Rendering style issue of Porto Posts Grid and Type Builder
- Fixed: Rendering js issue of Porto Posts Grid
- Fixed: Quickview Icon align issue on Gutenberg Preview
Скачать Porto v7.3.1 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.3.1 (12.11.2024)
+ Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.26.0 beta version
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.5.0 rc version
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to v8.0.1
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.23
- Fixed: Custom Resources Preload not working properply in Porto Speed Optimize wizard
- Fixed: A compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium plugin on ajax pagination
- Fixed: Products with different visibility properties not displaying properply with Porto Posts Grid element
- Fixed: The "Post Content" Dynamic Tags field in Porto Elementor widgets is now operational on Single Porto Builder preview pages
- Fixed: Multi-language not working properply in Porto Theme Options panel
- Fixed: Loaded text domain in init action for Porto functionality plugin
- Dev: Added "porto_posts_grid_query_args" filter for filtering query args in Porto Posts Grid element
Скачать Porto v7.3.0 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.3.0 - (11.19.2024)
+ Added: New WPBakery DemoДля просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
+ Added: New Elementor DemoДля просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.for a better shopping experience
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.for a better responsive experience
+ Added: Object cache feature for live search and price chart filter
+ Added: Video Thumbnail to Post Type Builder
+ Added: Compatibility withДля просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.Plugin for Better Performance
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.with Container for Elementor Page Builder
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.option to Featured Image Widget in Type Builder
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.option to Featured Image Widget in Single Product Builder
+ Added: Slide display option toДля просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.to WPBakery Single Product Builder
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.to Elementor Single Product Builder
+ Added: Compatibility for Elementor Shop Builder with Container/Grid
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.option to Elementor Container
+ Added: Sticky Background option to Elementor Container for Shop Toolbar
+ Added: Design options to Toolbox Widget
+ Added: Design options to Result Widget
+ Added: Design options to Title Widget
+ Added: Design options to Filter Widget
+ Added: Design options to Product Category Description Widget
+ Added: Design options to Posts Grid Widget
+ Added: Design options to Type Builder Archives Widget
+ Added: Design options to Linked Products Widget
+ Added: Design options to Shop Subcategories Widget
+ Added: Design options to Product Builder Widgets
+ Added: Height option to Gutenberg Widgets
+ Added: Review Width option to Woo Rating Widget
+ Added: Hide Title wishlist option to Woo Button Widget
+ Added: Icon Size, Margin option to Product Compare Widget
+ Added: View cart button style to Cart Form Widget
+ Added: Half column option to Posts Grid Widget
+ Added: Half column option to Linked Products Widget
+ Added: Half column option to Shop Subcategories Widget
+ Added: Popup Width option to WPBakery Porto Modal Widget
+ Added: To download Dyanmic Featured Image plugin using API server
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.tooltip for Product Type
+ Added: Color transition for Porto Heading
+ Added:Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.option to Porto Info Box Widget
+ Added: Hover Color option to Porto Info Box Widget
+ Added: Category icons
+ Added: Text Stroke to Porto Heading & Ultimate Heading Widget
+ Added: Keywords for Product Meta Widget to improve search experience
+ Added: Spacing, Margin Bottom option to Counter Widget
- Updated: 2 Demos to New Design
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
- Updated: Column with float numbers to Porto WPBakery Carousel Widget and Elementor Nested Carousel Widget
- Updated: Editor role capability for editing Porto Templates including header, footer and so on
- Updated: Quick Shop for using quantity in add to cart action
- Updated: Better UX of Featured Image Widget in Single Product and Post Type Builder
- Updated: UX of Porto Banner Gutenberg Widget
- Updated: UX of Woo Stock Widget on Gutenberg preview
- Updated: UX of Woo Button Widget on Gutenberg preview
- Updated: UI of Wishlist Button on Gutenberg preview
- Updated: Product Image Slider live function for WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Updated: Style of Porto Heading and Ultimate Heading Widget for Gutenberg preview
- Updated: Image Choose control for UX of Gutenberg
- Updated: Upload control for UX of Gutenberg
- Updated: Image size of Video Thumbnail for a better performance
- Updated: Seo index of Porto Heading and Dynamic Image Widget
- Updated: Responsive columns in cross-sell products
- Updated: Compared products on Single Product
- Updated: Style selectors of Product Builder Widget
- Updated: To show the video on post type regardless of its featured image
- Updated: Studio import function for Elementor Container
- Updated: UX of product main image and thumbnail image before initializing the carousel
- Updated: Shop toolbar style to provide a better UX
- Updated: Hotspot user-friendly for responsiveness
- Updated: Responsive control in Padding option in FAQ Widget
- Updated: Responsive control in Tab Title Width option in Product Tabs Widget
- Updated: Responsive control in Background Height option in Wishlist Widget
- Updated: Responsive control in Height of Select Box option in Contact Form Widget
- Updated: Price Slider design
- Updated: Live search design for SKU search
- Updated: Breakpoint of sticky related functions
- Updated: Login Style conditions on Theme Option
- Updated: Resources Preload function to skip and lazyload the image
- Updated: Elementor Admin Bar compatibility to import studio blocks
- Updated: WCFM compatibility for Shop Ajax
- Updated: Tip style of Mega Menu
- Updated: Compatibility between Elementor Cache and Porto Widgets
- Updated: Select2 style for Cart, Checkout page
- Updated: Design of Wishlist empty page
- Updated: Order tracking design
- Updated: wpml-config.xml
- Splitted: Dokan css for reducing the rendering time
- Splitted: WCFM css for reducing the rendering time
- Splitted: WOOF css for reducing the rendering time
- Splitted: WooCommerce Waitlist plugin css for reducing the rendering time
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with WPBakery Page Builder 8.0 in editor's elements list
- Fixed: Issue not to fluently import studio blocks caused by Post Type block
- Fixed: Shop ajax filter with product attributes
- Fixed: Tooltip for Quick Shop
- Fixed: PHP issue when using portfolios
- Fixed: Issue of not showing header or other templates due to trashed templates
- Fixed: Breadcrumb issue on blog page due to Dokan plugin
- Fixed: Reset filter style for Shop Horizontal Filter
- Fixed: Issue of not showing Perfect WooCommerce Brands Widget on Off-Canvas & Horizontal Filter
- Fixed: Infinite scroll and load more function with category filter of Posts Grid Widget
- Fixed: Live search issue of not working with particular product or portfolio category
- Fixed: Issue of saving the display condition
- Fixed: Suggestion Issue of wrong answers in the search of Redux Panel options
- Fixed: Price chart issue of not working on Shop Ajax
- Fixed: Elementor Lazyload issue with Shop Ajax
- Fixed: Shop Ajax issue with product widgets which are placed on sidebar
- Fixed: Compatibility issue between Posts grid and Pagination Widget on Shop Builder
- Fixed: Transparent(Absolute) Header sticky issue
- Fixed: Issue of remaining tooltip after add to cart action
- Fixed: Slide item width on Mega Menu
- Fixed: Z-index of store notice close icon
- Fixed: Border width of product image on Cart, Wishlist Off-Canvas
- Fixed: Featured Box background in Dark Mode
- Fixed: RTL issue in WPBakery Stretch Section
- Fixed: Add to Cart popup style for Multi-language
- Fixed: Focus outline style for WooCommerce notice
- Fixed: Responsive issue for wishlist page share
- Fixed: Compatibility issue between Sticky add-to-cart and Sticky Icon Mobile Menu
- Fixed: Import issue due to Container Padding option on Elementor
- Fixed: Double click issue of Product data tabs
- Fixed: Height of portfolio modal
- Fixed: Buy now button issue on Quickview
- Fixed: Z-index of interactive banner link
- Fixed: Sticky add-to-cart mobile design issue
- Fixed: To fluently show product description with Elementor
- Fixed: Excluded attribute on Product Attribute Widget
- Fixed: Issue in which product countdown doesn't work on Quickview
- Fixed: Gutenberg React component warning
- Deprecated: Dynamic Featured Image plugin
Скачать Porto v7.2.7 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.2.7 (10.18.2024)
- Fixed: The image lazy load feature of the W3 Total Cache plugin is now fully functional within the Porto Infinite Carousel
- Fixed: The "Post Content" Dynamic Tags field in Porto Elementor widgets is now operational on Single Porto Builder preview pages
- Fixed: PHP warnings that appeared on the plugin update pages have been addressed
- Fixed: The "Add a Review" link on single product pages is now working seamlessly when using the "Customer Reviews for WooCommerce" plugin
Скачать Porto v7.2.6 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.2.6 - (10.15.2024)
- Fixed: Plugin update functionality not working correctly in the "Plugins" section of the setup wizard
- Fixed: Issues updating WPBakery, Porto Functionality, and Alpus Elementor FlexBox Addon plugins in Admin > Plugins and Admin > Dashboard > Updates
- Fixed: Ajax actions not functioning properly on multilingual sites
- Fixed: Styling issue with active status on swatches in single product pages
Скачать Porto v7.2.5 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.2.5 (10.11.2024)
- Fixed: WPML compatibility issues within meta boxes
- Fixed: PHP error occurring after theme update when using WPBakery Page Builder plugin versions below 7.6
- Fixed: Styling issues in the products filter widget when utilizing Horizontal Filter Type 2
- Fixed: Minor PHP warnings in live search functionality
Скачать Porto v7.2.4 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.2.4 (10.8.2024)
- Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to version 6.7.20
- Updated: Performance of the Porto Chart Price filter widget by optimizing query and implementing a caching feature
- Fixed: Language switcher functionality for AJAX actions not working when the WooCommerce plugin is not installed
- Fixed: Vulnerability in the AJAX Quick View, ensuring it only displays public products
- Fixed: PHP error occurring after selecting Porto predefined colors in the Theme Options > Skin > Colors
- Fixed: Issue with product variation rendering in the single product builder’s linked products widget
- Fixed: Issue where product variation images did not render if no featured image was assigned in cross-sells and up-sells
- Fixed: Removed Dynamic Featured Image plugin from the plugins list due to its removal from the WordPress repository
- Fixed: Minor console error in the admin's theme options panel
- Fixed: Rendering issue for "Infinite Scroll" pagination type in the Porto posts grid widget on "Slider" view
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