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Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

Шаблон Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme v7.4.5 NULLED

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Скачать Porto v7.4.5 | Многоцелевые и WooCommerce темы Nulled Free
v7.4.5 (18.3.2025)

+ Добавлено: совместимость с плагином Elementor Website Builder 3.28
+ Добавлено: совместимость с плагином WPBakery Page Builder 8.3
- Обновлено: плагин Revolution slider до версии 6.7.30
- Исправлено: незначительное предупреждение php в porto-functionity/elementor/elements/porto_column.php
Скачать Porto v7.4.4 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.4.4 (2.26.2025)

- Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7
- Updated: Revolution slider plugin to 6.7.29
- Fixed: Layout issue in Elementor and WPBakery front-end editors when the product archive layout uses a horizontal filter
- Fixed: Porto modal dialog WPBakery element not opening correctly when multiple instances are present on a page
- Fixed: Display password button style issue on the My Account page
- Fixed: Second-level options failed to expand in the customizer options panel
Скачать Porto v7.4.3 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme Nulled Free
v7.4.3 (2.18.2025)

+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7 RC
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 8.2
+ Added: WOFF2 font support for Simple Line Icons
- Fixed: Minor PHP warning in inc/functions/woo-actions/single-product.php
Скачать Porto v7.4.2 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.4.2 (2.3.2025)

- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.28
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Events Manager plugin
- Fixed: Porto modal dialog element not opening correctly when multiple instances exist on a page
- Fixed: SEO attribute issues in the result count element of the Porto Shop Builder
Download Porto v7.4.0 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme Nulled Free
v7.4.0 (1.7.2025)

+ Added: New WPBakery Demo
+ Added: New Elementor Demo

+ Added: Elementor 3.27 Compatibility Beta
+ Added: Reduce DOM size by eliminating unnecessary HTML wrappers in all Porto elements and widgets with Optimize Markup
+ Added: New Version Alpus Flexbox Plugin 2.3.0
+ Added: to Plugin
+ Added: Slide animation to Plugin

+ Performance: Thumb Gallery Javascript Resources (thumb-gallery.js) is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: vc-zoom.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: animated-letters is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: content-collapse is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: bootstrap-popover.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: hover-image.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: hover-split.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: hz-scroller.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: mouse-parallax.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: pg-hv-overlay.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: read-more.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: video-bg.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: preview-image.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: like.js(Portfolio, Blog) is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: popup-menu.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: side-nav.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: sidebar-menu.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: skeleton.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: wishlist.js is separated from theme-async.js
+ Performance: bg-parallax.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: bar-tip.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: inviewport.js is separated from theme.js
+ Performance: fitvideo.js is separated from theme.js
+ Reduced: File size of theme.js and theme-async.js

+ Added: on Shop 52
+ Added: to Popup Builder
+ Added: option to Porto Posts Grid
+ Added: Dynamic Function to Heading Widget
+ Added: Dynamic Function to Button Widget
+ Added: Dynamic Function to Ultimate Heading Widget
+ Added: option on Theme Options
+ Added: Aria-label to Owl-Carousel
+ Added: ID option to Progress Bar Widget on WPBakery Page Builder
+ Added: Shortcode render function to Tab title on WPBakery Tabs Widget
+ Added: Animation to Label button on WPBakery Button Widget
+ Added: YITH Frequently Bought Together on plugins' list
+ Added: Event post type to Live Search
+ Added: ID on WPBakery Porto Container Widget

- Updated: 2 Demos to New Design

- Updated: WP Rocket Compatibility
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.25
- Updated: Ultimate Carousel inline js compatibility with WP Rocket Ajax Cache
- Updated: Marquee Widget compatibility with WP Rocket Defer JS loading
- Updated: Eliminate the duplicated ID of Porto Widgets
- Updated: Wishlist Widget
- Updated: Info List Widget
- Updated: Portfolios Widget
- Updated: Blog Widget
- Updated: Icon Widget
- Updated: Countdown Widget
- Updated: Carousel Widget
- Updated: Ultimate Heading Widget
- Updated: Contact Form with WP Form style options
- Updated: WPBakery Porto Section Widget
- Updated: Interactive Banner Widget
- Updated: Reveal Effect
- Updated: Star rating style
- Updated: Product thumbnail image size
- Updated: Preload function of Ultimate Content Box
- Updated: Auto focus to reveal search form
- Updated: SVG render function on Info Box Widget
- Updated: SVG render function on Schedule Timeline Widget
- Updated: SVG render function on Counter Widget
- Removed: Search Border Radius option on Full Site Editing(Soft) Mode

- Fixed: Issue that style options of Column Text Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that style options of Custom Heading Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Popover Widget doesn't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that style options of Column Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Scroll Parallax options of Row Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Video Background options of Row Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Zoom options of Single Image Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Sidebar Menu, Toggle Dropdown Menu Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Mouse Parallax options of Animation Widget don't work in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Issue that Marquee option doesn't work well in WPBakery
- Fixed: Issue that 1 column slider init class doesn't work on responsiveness
- Fixed: Issue that portfolio slider init class doesn't work on single Portfolio page
- Fixed: Issue that video of vc_row doesn't work on Gutengerg Preview
- Fixed: Issue that wishlist tooltip remains after added to wishlist
- Fixed: Issue that quickview popup doesn't work in Wishlist page
- Fixed: Issue that countdown on quickview doesn't work
- Fixed: Calculation issue of Menu popup width
- Fixed: Duplicated render issue of dynamic function
- Fixed: Rendering style issue of Porto Posts Grid and Type Builder
- Fixed: Rendering js issue of Porto Posts Grid
- Fixed: Quickview Icon align issue on Gutenberg Preview
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: likbez
Скачать Porto v7.3.1 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.3.1 (12.11.2024)

+ Added: Compatibility with Elementor 3.26.0 beta version
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.5.0 rc version
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to v8.0.1
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to v6.7.23
- Fixed: Custom Resources Preload not working properply in Porto Speed Optimize wizard
- Fixed: A compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium plugin on ajax pagination
- Fixed: Products with different visibility properties not displaying properply with Porto Posts Grid element
- Fixed: The "Post Content" Dynamic Tags field in Porto Elementor widgets is now operational on Single Porto Builder preview pages
- Fixed: Multi-language not working properply in Porto Theme Options panel
- Fixed: Loaded text domain in init action for Porto functionality plugin
- Dev: Added "porto_posts_grid_query_args" filter for filtering query args in Porto Posts Grid element
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: talip3939
Скачать Porto v7.3.0 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.3.0 - (11.19.2024)

+ Added: New WPBakery Demo
+ Added: New Elementor Demo
+ Added: for a better shopping experience
+ Added: for a better responsive experience
+ Added: Object cache feature for live search and price chart filter
+ Added: Video Thumbnail to Post Type Builder
+ Added: Compatibility with Plugin for Better Performance
+ Added: with Container for Elementor Page Builder
+ Added: option to Featured Image Widget in Type Builder
+ Added: option to Featured Image Widget in Single Product Builder
+ Added: Slide display option to
+ Added: to WPBakery Single Product Builder
+ Added: to Elementor Single Product Builder
+ Added: Compatibility for Elementor Shop Builder with Container/Grid
+ Added: option to Elementor Container
+ Added: Sticky Background option to Elementor Container for Shop Toolbar
+ Added: Design options to Toolbox Widget
+ Added: Design options to Result Widget
+ Added: Design options to Title Widget
+ Added: Design options to Filter Widget
+ Added: Design options to Product Category Description Widget
+ Added: Design options to Posts Grid Widget
+ Added: Design options to Type Builder Archives Widget
+ Added: Design options to Linked Products Widget
+ Added: Design options to Shop Subcategories Widget
+ Added: Design options to Product Builder Widgets
+ Added: Height option to Gutenberg Widgets
+ Added: Review Width option to Woo Rating Widget
+ Added: Hide Title wishlist option to Woo Button Widget
+ Added: Icon Size, Margin option to Product Compare Widget
+ Added: View cart button style to Cart Form Widget
+ Added: Half column option to Posts Grid Widget
+ Added: Half column option to Linked Products Widget
+ Added: Half column option to Shop Subcategories Widget
+ Added: Popup Width option to WPBakery Porto Modal Widget
+ Added: To download Dyanmic Featured Image plugin using API server
+ Added: tooltip for Product Type
+ Added: Color transition for Porto Heading
+ Added: option to Porto Info Box Widget
+ Added: Hover Color option to Porto Info Box Widget
+ Added: Category icons
+ Added: Text Stroke to Porto Heading & Ultimate Heading Widget
+ Added: Keywords for Product Meta Widget to improve search experience
+ Added: Spacing, Margin Bottom option to Counter Widget

- Updated: 2 Demos to New Design

- Updated: Column with float numbers to Porto WPBakery Carousel Widget and Elementor Nested Carousel Widget
- Updated: Editor role capability for editing Porto Templates including header, footer and so on
- Updated: Quick Shop for using quantity in add to cart action
- Updated: Better UX of Featured Image Widget in Single Product and Post Type Builder
- Updated: UX of Porto Banner Gutenberg Widget
- Updated: UX of Woo Stock Widget on Gutenberg preview
- Updated: UX of Woo Button Widget on Gutenberg preview
- Updated: UI of Wishlist Button on Gutenberg preview
- Updated: Product Image Slider live function for WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Updated: Style of Porto Heading and Ultimate Heading Widget for Gutenberg preview
- Updated: Image Choose control for UX of Gutenberg
- Updated: Upload control for UX of Gutenberg
- Updated: Image size of Video Thumbnail for a better performance
- Updated: Seo index of Porto Heading and Dynamic Image Widget
- Updated: Responsive columns in cross-sell products
- Updated: Compared products on Single Product
- Updated: Style selectors of Product Builder Widget
- Updated: To show the video on post type regardless of its featured image
- Updated: Studio import function for Elementor Container
- Updated: UX of product main image and thumbnail image before initializing the carousel
- Updated: Shop toolbar style to provide a better UX
- Updated: Hotspot user-friendly for responsiveness
- Updated: Responsive control in Padding option in FAQ Widget
- Updated: Responsive control in Tab Title Width option in Product Tabs Widget
- Updated: Responsive control in Background Height option in Wishlist Widget
- Updated: Responsive control in Height of Select Box option in Contact Form Widget
- Updated: Price Slider design
- Updated: Live search design for SKU search
- Updated: Breakpoint of sticky related functions
- Updated: Login Style conditions on Theme Option
- Updated: Resources Preload function to skip and lazyload the image
- Updated: Elementor Admin Bar compatibility to import studio blocks
- Updated: WCFM compatibility for Shop Ajax
- Updated: Tip style of Mega Menu
- Updated: Compatibility between Elementor Cache and Porto Widgets
- Updated: Select2 style for Cart, Checkout page
- Updated: Design of Wishlist empty page
- Updated: Order tracking design
- Updated: wpml-config.xml
- Splitted: Dokan css for reducing the rendering time
- Splitted: WCFM css for reducing the rendering time
- Splitted: WOOF css for reducing the rendering time
- Splitted: WooCommerce Waitlist plugin css for reducing the rendering time

- Fixed: Compatibility issue with WPBakery Page Builder 8.0 in editor's elements list
- Fixed: Issue not to fluently import studio blocks caused by Post Type block
- Fixed: Shop ajax filter with product attributes
- Fixed: Tooltip for Quick Shop
- Fixed: PHP issue when using portfolios
- Fixed: Issue of not showing header or other templates due to trashed templates
- Fixed: Breadcrumb issue on blog page due to Dokan plugin
- Fixed: Reset filter style for Shop Horizontal Filter
- Fixed: Issue of not showing Perfect WooCommerce Brands Widget on Off-Canvas & Horizontal Filter
- Fixed: Infinite scroll and load more function with category filter of Posts Grid Widget
- Fixed: Live search issue of not working with particular product or portfolio category
- Fixed: Issue of saving the display condition
- Fixed: Suggestion Issue of wrong answers in the search of Redux Panel options
- Fixed: Price chart issue of not working on Shop Ajax
- Fixed: Elementor Lazyload issue with Shop Ajax
- Fixed: Shop Ajax issue with product widgets which are placed on sidebar
- Fixed: Compatibility issue between Posts grid and Pagination Widget on Shop Builder
- Fixed: Transparent(Absolute) Header sticky issue
- Fixed: Issue of remaining tooltip after add to cart action
- Fixed: Slide item width on Mega Menu
- Fixed: Z-index of store notice close icon
- Fixed: Border width of product image on Cart, Wishlist Off-Canvas
- Fixed: Featured Box background in Dark Mode
- Fixed: RTL issue in WPBakery Stretch Section
- Fixed: Add to Cart popup style for Multi-language
- Fixed: Focus outline style for WooCommerce notice
- Fixed: Responsive issue for wishlist page share
- Fixed: Compatibility issue between Sticky add-to-cart and Sticky Icon Mobile Menu
- Fixed: Import issue due to Container Padding option on Elementor
- Fixed: Double click issue of Product data tabs
- Fixed: Height of portfolio modal
- Fixed: Buy now button issue on Quickview
- Fixed: Z-index of interactive banner link
- Fixed: Sticky add-to-cart mobile design issue
- Fixed: To fluently show product description with Elementor
- Fixed: Excluded attribute on Product Attribute Widget
- Fixed: Issue in which product countdown doesn't work on Quickview
- Fixed: Gutenberg React component warning
- Deprecated: Dynamic Featured Image plugin
Скачать Porto v7.2.7 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.2.7 (10.18.2024)

- Fixed: The image lazy load feature of the W3 Total Cache plugin is now fully functional within the Porto Infinite Carousel
- Fixed: The "Post Content" Dynamic Tags field in Porto Elementor widgets is now operational on Single Porto Builder preview pages
- Fixed: PHP warnings that appeared on the plugin update pages have been addressed
- Fixed: The "Add a Review" link on single product pages is now working seamlessly when using the "Customer Reviews for WooCommerce" plugin
  • Люблю это
Реакции: kharol
Скачать Porto v7.2.6 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.2.6 - (10.15.2024)

- Fixed: Plugin update functionality not working correctly in the "Plugins" section of the setup wizard
- Fixed: Issues updating WPBakery, Porto Functionality, and Alpus Elementor FlexBox Addon plugins in Admin > Plugins and Admin > Dashboard > Updates
- Fixed: Ajax actions not functioning properly on multilingual sites
- Fixed: Styling issue with active status on swatches in single product pages
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: kharol
Скачать Porto v7.2.5 | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Themes Nulled Free
v7.2.5 (10.11.2024)

- Fixed: WPML compatibility issues within meta boxes
- Fixed: PHP error occurring after theme update when using WPBakery Page Builder plugin versions below 7.6
- Fixed: Styling issues in the products filter widget when utilizing Horizontal Filter Type 2
- Fixed: Minor PHP warnings in live search functionality
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