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ПлагинPremium Addons Pro - аддон для Elementor
Нет прав для скачивания
это супер полезные виджеты и приложения для конструктора страниц Elementor
= 2.8.17 =
- Tweak: Sticky effect behavior improved in Magic Scroll addon.
- Tweak: Added option to trigger entrance animations once for Snappy scroll in Horizontal Scroll widget.
- Fixed: Sticky effect not working on the editor page in Magic Scroll addon.
= 2.8.16 =
- Fixed: Draw SVG not working on the editor page with multiple SVGs in Magic Scroll addon.
- Fixed: Transition is added to Icon Box widget when used with Magic Scroll addon.
= 2.8.15 =
- Fixed: Elements with entrance animation flash in Horizontal Scroll widget.
- Fixed: Icons not showing in some controls.
= 2.8.13 =
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.8.0
- Fixed: Ken Burns section/column addon not working with recent Elementor versions.
= 2.8.12 =
- New: Added Site Logo widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-site-logo-widget/).
= 2.8.11 =
- Tweak: Added caching option in Instagram Feed widget to improve the feed performance and loading speed.
- Tweak: Added Close On Click Outside option in Magic Section widget.
- Fixed: Icon styling not applied properly on SVG icons in Divider widget.
- Fixed: Mouse tilt option not working since Premium Addons for Elementor v4.9.35.
- Fixed: Feed is not showing if Posts/Account option value is larger than the posts returned by Facebook.
- Fixed: Alignment option not working properly for multi-line values in Table widget.
= 2.8.10 =
- New: Added Random Badges option in Mega Menu widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-mega-menu-widget/).
- Fixed: PHP warnings in Google Reviews widget.
Замеченная проблема: не дружит с Piotnet Addons. Может привести к ошибке на сайте.