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Quix Pagebuilder Pro - расширение Joomla

Компонент Quix Pagebuilder Pro - расширение Joomla v5.2.3

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Один из самых лучших в своем роде конструктор сайтов для Joomla
  1. Fixed the heading element text that is not updating when typing.
  2. ixed Dimensions negative value not accepting issue.
  1. Added a new field in row to position the container horizontally
  2. Mouse wheel can increase and decrease the input value.
  3. Reduced the mismatch in spacing between the builder and preview.
  4. Removed the extra space sounding the canvas.
  5. Fixed the issue where inserting, moving, and deleting elements did not reflect in the preview.
  1. Set default page order for recently modeled pages.
  2. Added a new field in Quix's settings panel to choose a different page to mount on.
  3. Resolved site crash issue during Quix uninstallation
  4. Corrected styling issues for Form element input fields (checkbox, radio, etc.).
  1. Builder performance Improved
  2. Builder loading bug fixed.
  1. Fixed The Joomla-3 Language not loading issue
  2. Fixed a small ui inconsistency.
  3. Fixed JSON formate from backend causing miss-formate issue.
  1. Fixed typography increment button not working issue.
  2. Fixed the group-element image picker not working issue
  3. Fixed some a small style inconsistency in the admin panel.
  1. Improved the initial loading time by shifting logic to the admin panel.
  2. fix: Fixed the background overlay opacity value not applying issue.
  1. Added the Latest version of JMedia v1.5.2;
  2. Fixed a small bug.
  1. fix: Fixed an internal Language related bug.
  1. Added Multilingual support for the Quix editor [German, French, Portuguese, English].
  2. fix: Fixed the conflicting caching issue with the Newer version of Quix.
  3. Made some small UI improvements.
  1. new Collapse Layer panel feature.
Fix: Fixed the missing unit issue in the custom width.

  • refactor: 💡 refactor the loadElement code to improve the performance
  • fix: 🐛 tinymce editor loading improved
  • fix: 🐛 Google Map Broken Markup Fixed
  • Fixed the Element Copy-Paste Functionality Issue.
  • fix: Fixed icon downloads bug

  • Icons now showing in preview mode
  • Form element's style broken issue fixed
  • Mod Quix php warning fixed



  1. Improved the navigator feature (Edit title, Smooth drag & drop, Duplicate, [Edit, Delete, Add, Reset] Elements from the right side menu).
    • fix ? Form element style issue fixed.
    • fix ? Accordion element image size bug fixed.
    • fix ? Fixed disable for all screens issue.
    • fix ? Fixed email sending error related to danger encoding.
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