Real 3D FlipBook PDF Viewer WordPress Plugin

Плагин Real 3D FlipBook PDF Viewer WordPress Plugin v4.2

Скачать плагин Real3D FlipBook WordPress
1. Redownload the plugin from Codecanyon to get the latest version of the plugin
2. Install, and choose "Replace current with uploaded"
1. Redownload the plugin from Codecanyon to get the latest version
2. Install
3. Click "Replace current with uploaded"
version 3.55
date 3.2.2023.

- fix - flippinjg pages with arrows in mode 3D
- fix - creating new flipbook from images
date 6.12.2023.
- fix - search result links in right to left mode
- fix - first page not visible when single page and right to left mode
- fix - missing translation strings
version 3.45
date 22.11.2023.

- improvement - icon front replaced with SVG icons
- improvement - updated Font Awesome icons
version 3.43
date 37.10.2023

- improvement - faster page loading in viewMode "webgl"
- improvement - faster page loading for PDF flibpooks
- fix - disable page scroll on mobile when lightbox is active
- fix - disable page flip if another flipbook is in fullscreen or lightbox
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