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Scommerce Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag

Модуль Scommerce Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag v2.0.8

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magento 2 Marketing extension
Версии Magento
  1. 2.X
Снимок экрана 2022-07-08 в 12.37.03.webp


  • It allows you to implement Google dynamic remarketing tag tracking on your website.
  • It gives you easy access to manage all the related configurations from the admin panel.
  • It covers all the pages which Google recommends on your website for remarketing to work effectively which includes home, category product detail, search, cart and order confirmation pages.
  • It allows you to turn normal or dynamic or both remarketing tag tracking.
  • It comes with the option to select product attributes in the admin panel in case you send different product attributes instead of SKU in your google base feed.
  • This module can be completely disabled whenever required via system configuration in admin.
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