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ПлагинSlider Revolution – #1 слайдер для WordPress
v6.7.29 NULLED
Autoplay enabled videos will play with audio if user has interacted with page
Loop enabled background videos will auto pause/play if page visibility state changes due to switching tabs etc
Added option under Advanced options to fix glitches on iOS filters. It will add a tiny 0.0001 value to x, z, rotationX or to default (based on layer type) to avoid cuts and other distortions on layers when slider is running on iOS
Activation through wp-cli returns a fatal error
Moving frames on timeline before playing the slide onces breaks with JavaScript error on static slide
Exit animation of static layers works only on slide change, animation before slide end is ignored
Added new submenus: Getting Started, Help Center, Templates, Premium Support and Go Premium
Menu burger buttons and scroll down buttons won’t use out of box the intelligent size inheriting to avoid strange spacing on smaller devices
Updated GSAP to version 3.9.0
Simplified duplicating and copy pasting layers with actions triggering the duplicated layers with steps like:
Deleting a layer will remove the action references pointing on it from other layers
Undoing “delete layer” will recreate the deleted action references as well
Duplicating a layer will check for all pointing action references and will also duplicate those by adjusting the target id as well
Changing audio preload options does not have any influence on loading performance and results on frontend
Selecting post based slider by popularity, related and recent does not allow categories to be selected
Backend is slow in Chrome if more than 200 elements are added in rows and columns. Issue happens only in WebKit browsers based on transform perspective and filters
Glitch effect of advanced transitions throws console error
Duplicating layers undo/redo group is filled with multiple steps, single redo/undo is not working
Menu link & scroll action’s scroll offset value is ignored
Change between navigation and general settings in the editor does not refresh the layer rendering, generating artifacts until next refresh
Multiple rows and columns generating artifacts on Chrome version 96.0.4664.110+
Centered rows may show layers and elements in columns blurry if the content is drawn on half pixels. Core will now internally calculate the vertical position of rows and columns