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ПлагинSlider Revolution – #1 слайдер для WordPress
v6.7.29 NULLED
Backend: init function conflicting with other global defined functions in some rare cases (i.e. Cooke Banner Plugin)
Backend: missing WooCommerce escaping may cause a JavaScript error in the overview page
Layer out animation is being ignored in specific cases where the length of carousel slides varies among siblings and the layer out animation is set to trigger at a later timepoint
Slider importing could lead to an internal server error
ogv reference as constant instead of variable in import process
site-editor.php is not loading JS files needed for Slider Revolution Widgets
Importing a slider manually may result in it becoming a template slider
Willow filter doesn't work in Safari NOTE: Due to browser limitations willow filter looks slightly different in Safari
Slider with video background will jump on load/resize if device pixel ratio is high
Keyframe does not work if it is placed near in animation
Slider block cannot be addon into a homepage on wordpress.com
Adjusting the Video volume to 100% is not possible on Android device
When Panorama addon is enabled, crossfade BG animation will not work.
Backend: Whenever an empty folder is reopened, it will now automatically be reconnected to the root directory.
Backend: Now, when opening an empty folder, a brief breadcrumb will be displayed to explain its empty status.
Updated google fonts list
Changed ajax call request name for the backend as the OWASP Core Ruleset does not allow the use of the old name
Carousel jumps to wrong slide while navigating if slider is different height slides
Opening modal with specific slide doesn’t work correctly on carousel slider
Setting the zIndex value to “Auto” on hover resulted in a zIndex of 500, inadvertently leading to overlap with other areas.
Editor: When the background color of a module is changed, it doesn’t update live to reflect the selected color. The background color only updates after the color picker modal is closed.
Backend: Action references on global layers originating from slides other than the global slide are non-functional. Selecting any layer from global slides consequently results in the removal of the action from the list.
Module Creation Guide: New Content Editing Guide modal will be displayed on creating new module that will provide you links to and videos to guide you through settings and features to create new modules
Template Editing Guide: New Template Editing Guide modal will be displayed when you are editing premium template, it will feature links to articles that explain only the features that are used in the template.
Global Settings: Global settings are added to enable disable guide modals
Carousel opacity has issues rendering on PHP 8.x
Settings sticky bar label displays “undefined” on right side
Modal Countdown is not stopping after closing modal, which breaks any further opening of Modal
Blend Mode is not working on complex canvas animations
Editor: sometimes layout settings fields are empty on loading editor
Preview doesn’t work in backend if Yoast SEO is enabled
Blend mode does not work during transition
Improved security for manual imports
Layers disappear on safari during transition in Carousel Module
WPML constant ICL_PLUGIN_URL not defined in rare cases
Overlay effect gets more intense during transitions from Advanced Transitions addon.
Image layer set as cover fails to cover entire canvas area if an image has portrait dimensions
Vimeo video controls aren't rendering on layer
Food Carousel has a gap on specific dimensions
Deep link for modal not working using CustomEvent and event parameter detail:{slide:3}}
Filters in frames do not reset if filter is set to default values after having different values in other keyframes