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Компонент SP Page Builder Pro
Нет прав для скачивания
Мощный инструмент для создания страниц сайта и не только
Improved Feature Box addon functionality.
Added no unit option in the line height typography.
Improved Dynamic Collection number field.
Form Builder now supports multiple emails as CC or BCC.
Added Rich Text support in the Testimonial Carousel addon.
Added rate limiting in the Form Builder and Contact Form addon.
Improved the Rich Text link selection process.
Added real site name as the email subject for Form Builder and Contact Form addon.
Updated the social share Twitter icon of Person addon.
Enhanced overall stability, performance, and accessibility.
404 page showing wrong message.
AcyMailing 10 integration.
Page scroll remain disable even after closing the Popup.
Introduced Dynamic Content
Dynamic Collection Presets
SEO for Dynamic Pages
Added compatibility with the o3-mini model
Merged regular pages, popups, and dynamic pages into a single, organized menu
Feature Box addon's custom class not applied issue
Improved Stability & Performance
Version 5.4.621 January 2025
Image addon border radius missing on preview
Version 5.4.4Fixes
Argument mismatch in onContentPrepare() method to ensure compatibility.
Version 5.4.310 December 2024
Added full support for Font Awesome 6.
Introduced aria-describedby attribute in the Video addon for enhanced accessibility.
Enabled support for module imports in the Text addon.
Enhanced accessibility features in the Button addon.
Refined the popup reappearing behavior in the Popup Builder addon.
Improved MS media queries.
Enhanced overall stability and performance.
Fixed an issue where the Menu was rendering the wrong page in the page builder.
Resolved a problem with retina image rendering in the frontend editor.
Addressed errors related to XML format loading.
Team Carousel image redirecting to an incorrect URL.
Version 5.4.229 October 2024
Added integration for EasyStore's upcoming Collection feature.
Added aria-label option to improve accessibility in the Video addon.
Added custom author option field in the Global Settings.
Improved smart search functionality to support nested row and article.
Improved form submission experience in Form Builder, Contact Form and Opt-in Form addons.
Fixed device visibility styling issue.
Fixed form submission issue in Popup Builder.
Fixed preset global style not applying for Product List addon.
Version 5.4.0New
Introduced Popup Builder.
Added support for OpenAI models: GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4o Mini, and GPT-4o.
Improved the Media Manager's search functionality to allow searches based on filename with its extension.
Resolved autoplay issues for slideshow video backgrounds on iPhones.
Fixed the inability to insert attachments in the Frontend Editor.
Corrected avatar margin styling and image rendering issues in the Testimonial addon.
Resolved date format issue for the datetime attribute in the Article addon.
Addressed permission issues for delete, create, and edit actions in Media Manager, ensuring compliance with allowed user groups.
Corrected HTML errors when lazyloading is enabled in the Image addon.
Resolved issues with height and width values when uploading or replacing through the media field.
Fixed autoplay functionality for Testimonial Pro slides when using arrow controls.
Div addon background image overlay not working.
Version 5.3.817 September 2024
Improved the security for the CAPTCHA system to prevent spamming.
Introduced the ability to insert images in bulk within the frontend editor.
Enhanced overall system stability.
Fixed a problem where settings failed to update correctly due to Joomla cache.
Version 5.3.7
Upgraded captcha spam protection.
Provided support for h-captcha captcha plugin.
Added multiple media file upload option on frontend.
Version 5.3.6
Resolved missing font files issue.