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СкриптWriteBot - AI Content Generator SaaS Platform NULLED
- Added Dall-E 3 image generation
- Added AI Blog wizard Image generation disable option
- Added PWA for frontend and admin
- Added supported Open AI Model list for open AI key
- Added scroll bottom to top Icon dynamic option
- Customer signup automatically added to the subscription list
- Fixed multi-currency payment convert issue and history package
- Fixed Slug issues Vietnam language
- Fixed Subscription package model uses issues
- Added PayPal Auto subscription payment
- Added System Notification
- Added filter Package to the customer list
- Added font size to the text editor
- Enhanced chat generation
- Improved subscription history table responsiveness
- Improved currency format
- Fixed chat download (PDF, HTML and Word)
- Fixed chat Copy issue
- Fixed permission data show/Hide in the dashboard
- Fixed app debug cache clear alert message