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Релиз XenForo 2.2.6 Patch 2 Nulled v2.2.6 Patch 2

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XenForo 2.2.6 Patch 2 Nulled
XenForo 2.2.6 included support for YouTube embeds which contain a playlist ID which allows an embedded video to be viewed within the context of the playlist it is part of. While this was working perfectly fine, YouTube seemingly made a change yesterday which prevented all YouTube embeds from displaying because many of them would have had an empty list parameter in the embed URL.

This only affects customers who have already upgraded to XenForo 2.2.6 or XenForo 2.2.6 Patch 1. XenForo 2.2.6 Patch 2 resolves this issue.

For more details on the issue, please see .

You may now or grab the new version from the .

If you are a XenForo Cloud customer the upgrade to XenForo 2.2.6 Patch 2 has been scheduled for you automatically or you can trigger it now from the .

(Note: XenForo Cloud customers did not receive XenForo 2.2.6 Patch 1 previously as the changes were only relevant to legacy XF installations).
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