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Xilancer - Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects

Скрипт Xilancer - Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects v3.2.0 NULLED

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Платформа рынка фрилансеров с услугами и проектами
Mainscript Update:
[added] New payment gateway Sslcommerce.
[added] Project compare package redesign for small device.
[added] Add new social widget.
[added] Fontawesome iconpicker ticktok icon support.
[fixed] Freelancer level mobile app issue fix.

Community Plugin Feature:
1. Both client & freelancer can ask question.
2. Both client & freelancer can post tips.
3. Both client & freelancer can vote for question/tips.
4. Both client and freelancer can answer each question.
5. Both client and freelancer can add reactions each question/tips/answer/comment.
6. Author can reply each answer/comment.
7. Author get notification each question answer.
8. Both client and freelancer can remove reactions each question/tips/answer/comment.
9. Both client and freelancer can change reactions each question/tips/answer/comment.
10. Both client and freelancer can edit update their question/answer/tips/comments/reply.
11. User can search both question and tips according their types.
12. Admin can active/inactive question/post.
13. Admin can delete any post/question.
14. Admin can delete all question/tips answer, reply, reactions, comments etc.
Скачать Xilancer v3.1.0 - Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects Nulled Free
Date: November 19th, 2024

[added] Category filter option added in main job page.
[added] Sub Category filter option added in main job page. Can filter using multiple subcategory.
[added] Category filter option added in main projects page.
[added] Sub Category filter option added in main projects page. Can filter using multiple subcategory.
[added] Register option added inside login modal while choose a subscription to buy.
[added] Chat message sender always set left and receiver always right.
[added] Add scroll to organize the sub categories on the account setup work section.
[added] Talents page multiple subcategory filter option added.
[added] Home page mobile device rtl responsive feature added.
[added] Project create/edit frontend and backend validation update similarly.
[added] User register first name last name. accent charecter support added.
[added] Project boxes not uniform for image size.
[added] Admin panel admin info update option added. Admin can change his own info.
[fix] Work subcategory show only selected not otheres (fix).
[fix] Project create/edit page css issue fix for sticky menu.
[added] Register recaptcha settings in admin panel (page settings/register captcha settings).
[added] Recaptcha implements in register page.
[added] Header addon one button link change option.
[added] Header addon two button link chage option.
[added] For seo h1 tag implements for all public details page like project details, job details, blog details, subscription etc.
[added] Category meta title and meta description added in admin panel.
[added] Subcategory meta title and meta description added in admin panel.
[added] Category, Subcategory meta title, description render in all category pages like category projects, category jobs, subcategory
projects, subcategory jobs etc.
[added] Subscription enable-disable feature added.
[added] All jsvascript:void(0) replace with # for better seo.
[added] Blog add/edit tag validation added.
[added] Insert only number as a category name prevent with proper validation.
[added] Insert only number as a subcategory name prevent with proper validation.
[added] Freelancer can delete his custom offer before customer accept the offer.

[fixed] Media uploader delete file button not work admin panel fix.
Changes Logs 2.5.0
[added] Added new home page.
[added] New header addon.
[added] New appstore addon for mobile app.
[added] Why choose us new addon.
[added] Latest project new addon.
[added] Explore projects category wise new addon.
[added] Explore jobs category wise new addon.
[added] Korean currency symbol change with new symbol customer requested.
[added] Download symbol down arrow icon add for all attachments.
[added] Enable disable decimal point settings added in payment info settings.
[fixed] Currency symbol position save issue fix.
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