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  1. iTnull

    Модуль Aheadworks Reward Points

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: Aheadworks Reward Points - Magento 2 extension Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  2. iTnull

    Модуль Aheadworks Reward Points v1.7.2

    Improve retention and increase revenue by offering benefits to new and regular customers. Reward customers with points on special occasions Add benefit points for registration, newsletter subscription, product reviews, etc. Inform customers about points expiration date Show the amount of points...
  3. iTnull

    Модуль Scommerce Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: Scommerce Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag - magento 2 Marketing extension Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  4. iTnull

    Модуль Scommerce Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag v2.0.8

    Features It allows you to implement Google dynamic remarketing tag tracking on your website. It gives you easy access to manage all the related configurations from the admin panel. It covers all the pages which Google recommends on your website for remarketing to work effectively which includes...
  5. iTnull

    Модуль TATVIC Actionable Google Analytics

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: TATVIC Actionable Google Analytics - magento 2 Analytics extension Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  6. iTnull

    Модуль TATVIC Actionable Google Analytics v1.2.1

    Features: Quick and easy configuration – 5 min set up Audience, Behavior and Acquisition tracking in GA Enhanced eCommerce reports Overview report Shopping behavior analysis Checkout behavior analysis Sales performance report Product performance report Product list performance report IP...
  7. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Shipping Rules

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: Amasty Shipping Rules - magento 2 Shipping extension Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  8. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Shipping Rules v2.7.0

    Create custom shipping rules based on a variety of product conditions and shopping cart attributes. Apply additional delivery options surcharge, discount or replace shipping rates according to your business needs. Define shipping rules based on product, order or cart attributes Determine custom...
  9. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Elastic Search

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: Amasty Elastic Search - magento 2 Search extension Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  10. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Elastic Search v1.13.3

    Full-text and full-website multilingual search Partial search by SKU, name, attribute, or category Autocomplete suggestions and typo corrections Add alternate search terms and words to ignore Optimized for working on all devices Подробнее: https://amasty.com/elasticsearch-for-magento-2.html
  11. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Blog Pro

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: Amasty Blog Pro - magento 2 blog extension Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  12. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Blog Pro v2.8.4

    Create catchy posts with an intuitive editor Promote your store with advanced SEO capabilities Add multi-level category tree and 3D tags Freely customize your blog pages layout Use AMP to make your blog work fast Manage comments and let visitors share content Improve mobile shopping with PWA...
  13. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Admin Actions Log

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: Amasty Admin Actions Log - admin Action Log Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
  14. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty Admin Actions Log v1.2.11

    Magento 2 Admin Actions log is designed to enhance your store security and protect data from possible hacker and other malicious attacks. Get complete visibility of every change made in your store admin panel! Track automatically all logged actions Keep log details for a predefined time period...
  15. iTnull

    Модуль Amasty - SEO Toolkit for Magento 2

    ITnull добавил(а) новый ресурс: Amasty SEO Toolkit - magento 2 SEO extension Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
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