Автор: Cgcircuit
Название: Discovering Houdini VOP 1 (2023)

Материал на английском языке
During the lesson, we will study about 74 VOP operators, and not only learn but also use them for their intended purpose.
Название: Discovering Houdini VOP 1 (2023)

Материал на английском языке
During the lesson, we will study about 74 VOP operators, and not only learn but also use them for their intended purpose.
- Constant, Add, Add Constant, Subtract, Subtract Constant, Multiply, Multiply Constant, Divide, Divide Constant, Float to Vector, Vector to Float, Set Vector Component, Get Vector Component, Negate, Turbulent Noise, Sine, Cosine, Multiply Add Constant, Trigonometric Function, Clamp, Absalute, Fit Range, Power, Ramp Parametr, Parametr, Maximum, Minimum, Displace Along Normal, Mix, Length, Distance, Relative to Bounding Box, Compliment. Import Point Attribute, Visualize, Bind, Bind Export, Random, Celling, Floor, Round to Integer, Two Way Switch, Float to Integer, Dot Product, Transform Matrix, Sign, Gaussian Random, Color Correction, Hue Shift, Cross Product, Anti-Aliased Noise, Vector to Vector4, Quaternion, Degrees to Radians, Radians to Degrees, Quaternion Multiplay, Euler to Quaternion, Vector to Quaternion, Quaternion Distance, Quaternion Invert, Rotate by Quaternion, Spherical Linear Interp, Integer to Float, Translate, Rotate, Scale, Make Transform, In Group, XYZ Distance, If Block, Align, Look At, Matrix3 to Quaternion, Quaternion to Matrix3, Vector to Matrix3, Vector4 to Matrix, Invert, Import Primitive Attribute.
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