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Elengine is a Sngine theme, handcrafted with care. It offers the best performance and advanced features for your site. Elengine is the perfect theme for your site.
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
- Added Compatibility with Sngine v3.12
- Added Home button to the bottom menu for mobile devices
- Added Tooltip to the Sidebar menu for smaller screens
- Added Write Article option in the Publisher Box
- Fixed Night Mode Logo issue on the Welcome page
- Fixed 3+ issues
- Updated Custom design CSS variables
- Fixed Profile cover image position issue
- Fixed video player height issue in full screen
- Fixed Night mode issue in Admin Panel
- Fixed Email field issue in the Sign up page
- Fixed Download information page issue
- Fixed Night mode for emojis menu
- Fixed logo not showing on the new Welcome page
- Fixed another 8+ issues