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Вы используете устаревший браузер. Этот и другие сайты могут отображаться в нём некорректно. Вам необходимо обновить браузер или попробовать использовать другой.
Added the option to select which ChatGPT model to use for /ai command prompts.
Note: The previous version was wrongly numbered internally and when you upgrade to this one, you will have to use the rebuild method instead which will work just fine.
Added model "GPT-4o" as new option.
Added "Base prompt" where you can specify certain things which will be applied before the user main prompt.
Fixed an issue on popup window where dark/light mode doesn't work as expected.
Fixed an issue with smilies not being inserted from the menu when using "Allow multi-line shouts" admin option.
Fixed uninstall issue where one custom column isn't removed from the user table.