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Porto 6.8.0 is the latest release of the popular and powerful multi-purpose WordPress theme. This version includes new features and updates such as Built-in OpenAi/ChatGPT 3 to generate product description and blog, Forum Site, compatibility with Germanized for WooCommerce Plugin, compatibility with AnyWhere Elementor Plugin, compatibility with WP Search & Advanced Woo Search, 130 studio blocks, cart quantity on cart popup and offcanvas, auto open cart-offcanvas, custom google fonts in WPBakery typography control, updated P-THEMES design, compatibility with Elementor Pro 3.11.2, Studio blocks import engine to be fully imported, automatically generate Elementor template builder css to speed up, hide empty of porto products filter, Porto section scroll, and a variety of bug fixes such as Hubspot plugin install issue, content post type in array in archive builder, category filter do not work on taxonomy pages when using archive builder, ajax pagination and infinite scroll do not work on taxonomy pages when using archive builder, countdown style broken in quickview, 'View Cart' button is displayed when no cart is added, align option does not work properly in porto icon widget, and many more.
+ Added: Built-in OpenAi/ChatGPT 3 to generate product description and blog (Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.)
+ Added: Forum Site (Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.)
+ Added: Compatibility with Germanized for WooCommerce Plugin
+ Added: Compatibility with AnyWhere Elementor Plugin
+ Added: Compatibility with WP Search & Advanced Woo Search
+ Added: 130 studio blocks
+ Added: Cart quantity on cart popup and offcanvas (feature request)
+ Added: Auto open cart-offcanvas (feature request)
+ Added: Custom google fonts in WPBakery typography control
- Updated: P-THEMES design (Для просмотра ссылки Вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.)
- Updated: Compatibility with Elementor Pro 3.11.2
- Updated: Studio blocks import engine to be fully imported
- Updated: Automatically generate Elementor template builder css to speed up
- Updated: Hide empty of porto products filter
- Updated: Porto section scroll
- Updated: Menu hover underline color option issue
- Updated: Demo responsive design
- Updated: Single product meta widget
- Updated: Text area and button field of meta boxes
- Updated: Modify seogoe font to handlee
- Fixed: Hubspot plugin install issue
- Fixed: Issue when 3rd party plugin is not installed in studio import
- Fixed: Issue content post type in array in archive builder
- Fixed: Issue where category filter do not work on taxonomy pages when using archive builder
- Fixed: Issue where load more do not work on taxonomy pages when with archive builder
- Fixed: Issue where ajax pagination and infinite scroll do not work on taxonomy pages when using archive builder
- Fixed: Issue with countdown style broken in quickview
- Fixed: Issue where 'View Cart' button is displayed when no cart is added
- Fixed: Issue where the align option does not work properly in the porto icon widget
- Fixed: Spell issue of patch template
- Fixed: Translation issue
- Fixed: Popup display condition issue
- Fixed: Type builder add to cart issue
- Fixed: Ajax issue when there is no taxonomy in dynamic tag
- Updated: Templates with WooCommerce 7.4.0
- Updated: Gutenberg color picker issue
- Updated: Recently Viewed Products without WooCommerce default widget
- Updated: Backward Compatibility with theme below 6.3.0
- Updated: Studio block import without plugin
- Fixed: Archive category filter
- Fixed: Studio block issue with no category or blocks
- Fixed: WooCommerce sale price issue
- Updated: Compatibility with WordPress 6.1.1
- Updated: Compatibility with Elementor 3.10.1
- Updated: Compatibility with WooCommerce 7.3.0
- Updated: WooCommerce Templates
- Updated: Compatibility with WP Super Cache 1.9.2
- Updated: Default guide about post type builder in Elementor, WPBakery Preview
- Updated: Demo import section in Porto Setup Wizard
- Fixed: PHP low version issues
+ Added: Compatibility WooCommerce 7.0.0.
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to 6.10.0.
- Fixed: Transportation demo import not working properly.
- Fixed: Rank Math SEO plugin setup wizard not working properly.
- Fixed: Rank Math SEO plugin not working properly with Porto WPBakery backend page builder.
- Fixed: WooCommcer 1C Data Exchange plugin no working properly.
- Fixed: WooCommerce brand plugin not working properly in its archive pages.
- Fixed: Head.php template file not working.
+ Added: Compatibility with Gutenberg Full Site Editing(FSE) provided since Wordpress 5.8
+ Added: Usage data sharing feature
+ Added: Elementor Business Consulting 5 Demo
+ Added: WPBakery Business Consulting 5 Demo
+ Added: Elementor Shop 1 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Shop 1 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Elementor Shop 2 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Shop 2 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Elementor Shop 3 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Shop 3 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Elementor Shop 4 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Shop 4 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Elementor Shop 35 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Shop 35 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Elementor It Services Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery It Services Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Education Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Business Consulting 2 Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Elementor Real Eastate Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Real Eastate Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Hoverdir element page
+ Added: Menu & sidebar menu element page
+ Added: Scroll progress element page
+ Added: Contact form element page
+ Added: Conditional rendering element page
+ Added: Search element page
+ Added: Elementor section tab
+ Added: Function to install request plugins in demo content panel of Setup Wizard
+ Added: Open graph to improve SEO
+ Added: Font swap to improve SEO
+ Added: Image scale option to Elementor Section Parallax
+ Added: Parallax image scale option in WPBakery Banner
+ Added: "Scroll Effect in Viewport" in Porto Addons of Elmentor and WPBakery
+ Added: Studio button for user-friendly in Gutenberg and WPBakery
+ Added: Product status option to Posts Grid widget
+ Added: Skin option for load more button in Porto Posts Grid widget
- Updated: Gutenberg Shop4 with Gutenberg Site Editing
- Updated: Home slider to carousel in WPBakery Classic Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in Elementor Shop 1 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in WPBakery Shop 1 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in Elementor Shop 2 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in WPBakery Shop 2 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in Elementor Shop 3 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in WPBakery Shop 3 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in Elementor Shop 4 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 80% custom css in WPBakery Shop 4 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 60% custom css in Elementor Shop 35 Demo
- Updated: Reduced 60% custom css in WPBakery Shop 35 Demo
- Updated: Elementor Shop 40 Demo using Soft Mode
- Updated: WPBakery Shop 40 Demo using Soft Mode
- Updated: Elementor header blocks in studio
- Updated: WPBakery header blocks in studio
- Updated: Elementor footer blocks in studio
- Updated: WPBakery footer blocks in studio
- Updated: Elementor single product blocks in studio
- Updated: WPBakery single product blocks in studio
- Updated: Elementor shop blocks in studio
- Updated: WPBakery shop blocks in studio
- Updated: Elementor single blocks in studio
- Updated: WPBakery single blocks in studio
- Updated: Elementor archive blocks in studio
- Updated: WPBakery archive builder blocks in studio
- Updated: Type builder blocks in studio
- Updated: Documentation
- Updated: Porto Product widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Product Categories widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto One Page Category Product widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Product Filters widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Hotspot widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Page Header widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Image Gallery widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Sticky Navigation widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Fancy Text widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Blog widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Recent Posts widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Events widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Circular Bar widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Pricing Table widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Social Icons widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Image Comparison widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Countdown Timer widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Button widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Testimonial widget for WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Portfolio widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Recent Portfolios widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Member widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Recent Members widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Infobox widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Counter widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Progress Bar widget for WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Step widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Heading widget for WPBakery
- Updated: Porto 360 Degree widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Porto Menu widget for Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Insert typography and spacing options to Skin/Breadcrumbs of theme options
- Updated: Header theme options
- Updated: Insert spacing option to Porto Contact Form widget
- Updated: Insert typography option to Porto Faq widget
- Updated: Insert spacing and skin options to Porto Sidebar Menu widget
- Updated: Compatibility with Events Calendar plugin
- Updated: Save theme options directly after activating Porto Theme
- Updated: Header items in Header Preset
- Updated: Ultimate content box element that WPBakery frontend editor is similar to frontend
- Updated: Add to cart widget of single product builder in Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Tab widget of single product builder in Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Insert spacing option to product image widget of single product builder in Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Insert spacing option to social widget of header builder in Elementor and WPBakery
- Updated: Compatibility with Jetpack plugin
- Updated: Insert conditional rendering option to container in WPBakery
- Updated: Filter blocks by importing builder type
- Updated: Add width, opacity and transform options to style options of type builder
- Updated: Dom optimize of Porto Single Icon widget
- Updated: Insert hover effect and style options to porto icon
- Updated: Type builder preview similar to frontend
- Updated: Theme options for live search
- Updated: Studio button for user-friendly in Gutenberg and WPBakery
- Updated: Reduced custom css for Newsletter popup on shop demos
- Updated: View switcher and search form basic style for responsiveness and no-flag
- Updated: Soft Mode to stable feature
- Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress 6.2.0
- Fixed: Ajax filter issue when no products in shop page using shop builder
- Fixed: Import styles in Gutenberg block
- Fixed: Dynamic image for external url meta field
- Fixed: Compare issue which shows in list type of Porto Product widget
- Fixed: Merged css issue for loading Font Awesome in Porto Child Theme
- Fixed: W3 validation issues for megamenu styles
- Fixed: The class attribute of redux image select was wrong
- Fixed: Studio block issue in WPBakery Frontend Editor
- Fixed: Studio block issue when Porto theme is not acitivated
- Fixed: Compatibility of header wireframe with Elementor 3.7.7
- Fixed: Menu lazyload doesn't work when the same menu locations exist
- Fixed: Import issue when the various size of images from studio block were downloaded
- Fixed: Carousel responsive issue when the container is bigger than 1400px
Porto 6.4 introduces a lot of new features and demos, we also enhanced our speed Optimization wizard and reached top performance scores in ThemeForest.
+ Added: Elementor Transportation Logistic Energy Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Transportation Logistic Energy Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: Elementor Renewalble Energy Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: WPBakery Renewalble Energy Demo using Soft Mode
+ Added: the layout option for Unlimited Post Type
+ Added: Ajax Save function in WPBakery backend
+ Added: Particles effect to Elementor Section and WPBakery Row
+ Added: Porto Contact Form widget to Elementor and WPBakery
+ Added: Cursor Effect widget to Elementor and WPBakery
- Fixed: Porto google map widget not working properly.
- Fixed: Modal open trigger functionality not working properly.
- Fixed: WPBakery featured image's grid option of singe builder no working properly.
- Fixed: Dynamic taxonomy field not working properly in WPBakery backend editor.
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