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Скачать BeTheme v27.4.2 - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v27.4.2 – May 7th, 2024
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Page Options - Responsive fields
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Elements preview - PHP warning - Array to string conversion
* Fixed: WPML plugin - BeBuilder - Typography fields translate
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Header & Footer templates - Load template in the selected language is available
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Global Sections - Load section in the selected language is available
* Improved: BeBuilder - Image element - Caption field - Dynamic data added
Скачать BeTheme v27.3.9 - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme NULLED
v27.3.9 – March 26th, 2024
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Nested wraps + Query Loops - Unwanted output
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Images Gallery element - Prevent loading of images removed from Media Library
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Table of Contents element - 'Post content' element support
* Fixed: Header Builder - Hide Header Creative selected in Theme Options
* Fixed: Sidebar Menu Builder - Hide Header Creative selected in Theme Options
* Fixed: Sidebar Menu Builder - Menu element - Submenu Icon - Rotate for active element
* Fixed: Popup Builder - Display conditions - Category archives
* Fixed: Popup Builder - Popup contains HubSpot element - Inability to close popup
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Status: Draft - PHP error on preview
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Query Loops - Get product categories
* Fixed: Shop - Fake sale notification - Include product variations
* Fixed: Shop - Fake sale notification - Purge cache on domain change
* Fixed: HTML forms - Input type url - Font family
* Fixed: Live Search - Search shop products only - 'See all results' button link
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - In rare cases, the importer stops at the site settings with an XHR error
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Column Text element - Typography - Laptop breakpoint [73527]
* Fixed: Mobile - WooCommerce builder - Single product - Product content element - Unwanted side padding on mobile removed
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Global Sections - Edit button link
* Fixed: WPBakery Page Builder plugin - FAQ element - Option to select Element tag
* Improved: Slider Revolution plugin - Hide slider shortcode in the header if the plugin is not active
Скачать BeTheme v27.3.8 - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v27.3.8 – March 6th, 2024
* Added: Fancy Link shortcode - Option to open popup on click [72893]
* Added: Theme Options - Responsive - Apply recommended settings for Elementor Flexbox Container in one click
* Fixed: Popup - Pause Vimeo video on popup close
* Fixed: Sidebar Menu - Laptop styles - PHP error [73151]
* Fixed: Mobile: BeBuilder - Shop element - Pagination: Infinite loading
* Fixed: ACF plugin - Dynamic Data - Field type array
* Fixed: WPBakery plugin - FAQ element - Default state: Open [72984]
* Fixed: The Events Callendar - Community Events plugin - Default template
* Improved: Rank Math SEO plugin - Heading element shows as an HTML tag
* 2 Pre-built websites: Charity 4, Gadget
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Charity 4, Gadget
Скачать BeTheme v27.3.7 - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled Free
v27.3.7 – February 20th, 2024
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Drag and drop wrap into another wrap
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Builder 2 SEO - Escape HTML tags function removed
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Navigator - Query Loop type: Slider
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Clone section containing nested wraps
* Fixed: Popup builder - Gallery images lightbox
* Fixed: Shop - Fake sale notification - Skip free products
* Fixed: Mobile - Scroll to ID - Incorrect header height calculation
* Fixed: Mobile - Classic menu - Background overlay on scroll
* Fixed: Layer Slider plugin - z-index
* Updated: WooCommerce 8.6 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files
Version 27.3.6 – February 6th, 2024
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Builder loading - Unexpected JS error
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Image element - Custom height & Open popup on link click
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Shop element - Pagination: Infinite loading
* Fixed: WooCommerce builder - Single product - Sidebar
* Fixed: RTL - Buttons - Icon position
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Templates: Blog
Version 27.3.4 – January 25th, 2024
* Added: BeBuilder - Image element - Custom height - Option to select container fit or fill
* Added: BeBuilder - Counter element - Option to add comma thousands separator
* Added: WooCommerce builder - Shop - Infinite load more
* Added: Query Loops - Arrows and dots - Responsive visibility options
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Image element - Custom alternative text different than set in Media Library
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Image element - SVG images width
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Single page import - Import builder elements containing Dynamic Data
* Fixed: Header Builder - Mobile - Sticky menu - Hide section on scroll
* Fixed: Query Loops - Filter by - Products on sale
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Loading on some server configurations
* Fixed: Shop - 'Buy now' button - Custom button - Border color & box-shadow
* Fixed: Shop - Single Product - 'Sale' label position
* Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Duplicated variation swatches for product shortcode
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Minor php warning
* Fixed: PHP Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
* Improved: BeBuilder - Local styles save - 5x less data send
Version 27.3.2 – January 12th, 2024
* Added: WooCommerce builder - Single product - Product gallery - Arrow styles
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Blog News element - Title Tag for post titles
* Fixed: Popup builder - Hide unwanted Header Creative
* Fixed: WooCommerce builder - Single product - Product gallery - Thumbnails arrows
* Fixed: Query Loops - Related posts/products/portfolio - Exclude current category
* Fixed: Off-canvas sidebar - Scroll to anchor and hide on link click
* Fixed: Blog - PageSpeed Insights - Aria attributes do not match their roles
* Fixed: PHP warning: Attempt to read property "slug/term_id" on bool
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Copy builder styles on post duplicate
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Translate Inner Wrap elements
* Improved: BeBuilder - Feature List element - Icon select modal
Version 27.2.10 – November 21st, 2023
* Added: BeBuilder - HTML element with ACE code editor
* Added: BeBuilder - Error checking during page update
* Added: Shop - Side cart - Coupon code field
* Added: Shop - Free delivery progress bar - Your order qualifies for free shipping! notice
* Added: Shop - Free delivery progress bar - Additional bar color when the order qualifies for free shipping
* Added: Query Loops - Element - Min height
* Added: Social icons - TikTok icon
* Added: Responsive - Option to hide elements that extend beyond the grid. It prevents the horizontal scrollbar from appearing
[ Theme Options > Responsive > Content overflow ]
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Sliding box element - Minor CSS rule fix
* Fixed: Mega Menu Builder - Menu position after page refresh
* Fixed: Shop - Free delivery progress bar - Color and background options for Custom skin
* Fixed: Betheme dashboard - Hide 'Latest pre-built websites' and 'Setup Wizard' containers if disabled in Theme Options
* Fixed: Polylang plugin - Header and Footer builder compatibility
* Improved: Shop - Side cart - Show cart after cart content refresh, not earlier
* Improved: Share element - Twitter changed to X
* Improved: Elementor plugin - Stretch content - Bouncing content
* 2 Pre-built websites: Politics 3, Party 5
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Politics 3, Party 5
Version – October 31st, 2023
* Added: Tools - Laptop breakpoint - For all Builder elements for which the Hide desktop option is enabled, also enable the Hide laptop option
* Added: Single Post - Option to add popup in post options
* Added: Single Portfolio - Option to add popup in post options
* Fixed: Popup builder - Unable to scroll popup content higher than that browser window
* Fixed: Sidebar menu builder - Content position on laptop
* Fixed: BeBuilder stuck on loading if JSON decode returns an empty value [63215]
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Sticky wrap if Mobile menu: Classic is enabled
* Fixed: Query Loops - Add element to empty wrap - Preview was not refresing
* Fixed: Query Loops - Multiple queries on page - Incorrect settings for second and next loops
* Fixed: Dynamic Data cheat sheet - Copy tag to clipboard on click
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Breadcrumbs base name and URL
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Templates: Single product - WPML URL format with 'lang' parameter
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